SurrealiTEA/AbsurdiTEA@ Kinosaki, Japan
PopUp Wonders @ Kinosaki International Arts Centre, JapanYumi and collaborator, a visual artist Riza Manalo undertook an intensive two-week residency at Kinosaki International Art Centre, to explore the metaphor of reflection in relation to nature, personal rituals, symbolic objects and the production of ephemeral spaces. ‘Pop-up Wonders’ examined and responded to the history of Kinosaki’s natural healing waters/hot springs, man-made tourist attractions and visitors social activities. With invited Japanese and Australian artists, the pop-up mobile spaces were explored the relationship of objects to movement,personal narratives, tea ceremony and cultural experiences. They have also conducted an artist talk where they provided insight into their individual practice and also discuss their artistic engagement, approaches and inspiration throughout our residency in Kinosaki.
Invited artists: Adam Hatsu-Shin(Tea Artists from Australia) , Kyoko Hirobe(Voice Artists from Tokyo), and Hisako Tsuzuku(Calligrapher from Hyogo)
Photo by Ivan Kovac, Yuichiro Yoshida(Kinosaki International Arts Centre), Igaki Photo Studio
ちょっと変なもの something odd ちょっとズレたもの something not fitted in ちょっとはみ出たもの something not matching ちょっと歪んだもの something bend ちょっと欠けたもの something missing or broken ちょっと見捨てられたもの something abandoned そんなワクワクと、とびだす不思議を探すエクスペリメント Experiment for seeking the excitement and ‘pop-up wonders’.
Pop-Up Wonders@Kinosaki
Two-week residency at Kinosaki International Arts Centre, with visual artis Riza Manalo and invited local and international artists, to explore the metaphor of reflection in relation to nature, personal rituals, symbolic objects and the production of ephemeral spaces. ‘Pop-up Wonders’ has examined and responded to the history of Kinosaki’s natural healing waters, man-made tourist attractions and visitors social activities.The pop up mobile space explored the relationship of objects to movement, new media technology, personal narratives and cultural experiences.
Performance by Riza Manalo and Yumi Umiumare, Adam Hatsu-Shin, Kyoko Hirobe
Photo by Ivan Kovac, Yuichiro Yoshida(Kinosaki International Arts Centre), Igaki Photo Studio
PopUpTearoom @ Lucy Guerin Studio
Yumi was working with Adam Hatsu-Shin, her teacher for tea ceremony, and her collaborator as a performing artist.They had one-week residency at Lucy Guerin studio, inviting 16 artists including dancers, videographers, Ikebana artist and Zen monk and many others. They have had several durational improvisations combining rituals of tea ceremony, physical expression of Butoh and dance.
Some participants have also joined to the improvisation and shared the feedbacks.
Quotes from the participants
“..suspended state of gratitude. The experience made me feel calm, inquisitive, slower somehow..”
"Movement freedom contrasted clarity of ceremony..After feel great respect everyday life + the unexpected"
“The intensity of sensation. Sweet bitter edging on my bones.”
POP UP WONDERS「とびだす不思議!」@城崎
城崎国際アートセンター共催 POP UP WONDERS 「とびだす不思議!」パフォーマンス オーストラリア、メルボルン在住のアーティスト、ゆみ・うみうまれとリザ・マナロが、城崎の街中に不思議でシュールな空間を創り出す「ポップアップ・ワンダーズ:とびだす不思議!」。
城崎国際アートセンター共催 POP UP WONDERS 「とびだす不思議!」パフォーマンス オーストラリア、メルボルン在住のアーティスト、ゆみ・うみうまれとリザ・マナロが、城崎の街中に不思議でシュールな空間を創り出す「ポップアップ・ワンダーズ:とびだす不思議!」。城崎国際アーツセンターにアーティスト・イン・レジデンシーで滞在中に、現地から 様々なインスピレーションを得て、 風呂桶や鏡を使ってのインスタレーションや、黒いコウノトリが出没する奇想天外なパフォーマンスが街中で行われました。
パフォーマー ゆみ・うみうまれ(パフォーマンス・アーティスト) リザ・マナロ(ヴィジュアル・アーティスト) アダム・ウォジンスキ(パフォーマンス・アーティスト、茶道家) アースボイス京子(ヴォイス・アーティスト)※木のみ
日時:7月9(木)、10(金)、11(土)城崎の街中で3時−6時 場所:ポケットジオパーク、御所の湯の前 詳細:城崎国際アートセンター
写真: Ivan Kovac、イガキフォトスタジオ、吉田雄一郎(城崎国際センター)[/vc_column_text][cq_vc_gallery images="1916,2233,2228,2048,1919,2224" itemwidth="285" retina="on"][/vc_column][/vc_row]
PopUpTearoom @ Multicultural Art Victoria CreativeTEA The second experimental process of PopUpTearoom series, continuing to collaborate with a visual artist Riza Manalo. Small number of audience mainly from arts industries were invited to experience the tearoom in an atypical office setting of Multicultural Arts Victoria, to share simple dialogue about ‘creativity’.
Some quotes from the participants
“..a transitional experience- crossing boundaries- shifting from modern world of stress, panic…The simple structure but a haven of tranquility in the ‘battlefield’ of the office .”
“My chest is light and my breath affected I’ve just been in a magic world-like when I was small and reality was transformed in a game, in church, in pictures, in art, and it was magical and profound and I wanted to live there. I have been inside an ancient world, where every tiny detail matters, and there is a relationship with beauty in the smallest things. This is deeply moving. When she tapped the bowl twice, tears came. I can’t say why-because when things really matter, when there is gentleness and respect and beauty in little things, something opens up- perhaps meaning. A place to stop and reflect- away from the intense”tea” of everyday life.”
“…It became very clear that there was no difference between the surreal-ness surrealiTEA of the created world outside in the office and the created world in the chashitsu(tearoom). The meditation is: which one tastes like the rapture of being alive.”
Photo by NObu
Butoh residential workshop 2-5 May 2015
On the Wimmera River, 15kms West of HorshamLead By Yumi Umiumare and locally based visual artist Anthony Pelchen
The aim of this workshop is to expand body awareness, deepen consciousness and unleash internal expression though a response to landscape. This 130 acre site near Mt Arapiles allows participants to move between bush-land, sand dunes, open fields, river and elevated rock, opening up the senses to color, texture, sound and form. Over the weekend, Yumi will introduce various methods of Butoh, Chi/Gravity exercises, breathing methods and encourage a fuller expression and consciousness of well-being. The body practices and drawing will act as powerful counterpoints and as opportunities to filter one into the other, strengthening the links between the external environment and the internal landscape.Anthony will run a session of charcoal drawing that tap into this and the overall energetic build-up over the weekend.
No dance, singing or drawing experience required
$350/320 (Vegetarian meals included) Early Bird Special by 17 April $330/300
YUMI UMIUMARE: Born in Hyogo, Japan, Yumi is the only Japanese Butoh Dancer in Australia and the creator of provocative Butoh Cabaret works. Originally a member of the seminal Butoh Company DaiRakudakan in Tokyo, she moved to Australia and in 1993. Over the last 20 years Yumi’s versatile and distinctive physical theatre works have been seen in the spectrum of dance, theatre and film productions and festivals throughout Australia, Japan, Europe, New Zealand and South Eastern Asia. Yumi teaches Butoh nationally and internationally.
ANTHONY PELCHEN: As a visual artist working across mediums, Anthony studied at the Victorian College of the Arts and has since presented work in Australia, Japan, Malaysia and Denmark. For over a decade he has periodically collaborated with Yumi Umiumare and Tony Yap and since 2010 has curated the Visual Arts program of the annual Melaka Art & Performance Festival, Malaysia.
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PopUpTearoom @ Multicultural Arts Victoria AuthenticiTEA/DeformiTEA
Through the fellowship from Australia Council, this was the first experimental process of Yumi's pop-up tearoom series, collaborating with a visual artist Riza Manalo. The audiences were invited to experience tearoom in an atypical office setting of Multicultural Arts Victoria.
Inspired by the Japanese notion of ‘ma’ (space) and rituals of tea ceremony, visitors are invited to harness the simple rituals in silence and embrace deeper narratives in an atypical office setting.
Photo by Riza Manalo and Yumi Umiumare
20年間、4年に一度行われているフェスティバルで、特に舞踏を探求したいプロのダンサーのためにデザインされたもの。ドイツ在住の日本人舞踏家、吉岡由美子氏とデルタ・ライ氏の監修のもと、 ゆみ・うみうまれを含む8人の振付家・講師が舞踏、ダンスのワークショップを行い、アイディアをアーティスト間で エクスチェンジ(交換)する
第6回 国際舞踏ダンス・エクスチェンジ&パフォーマンス・フェスティバル@ドイツ・ブローリン城 2015年、8月3日(金)−16日(日)
20年間、4年に一度行われているフェスティバルで、特に舞踏を探求したいプロのダンサーのためにデザインされたもの。ドイツ在住の日本人舞踏家、吉岡由美子氏とデルタ・ライ氏の監修のもと、 ゆみ・うみうまれを含む8人の振付家・講師が舞踏、ダンスのワークショップを行い、アイディアをアーティスト間で エクスチェンジ(交換)する。今年は75人のアーティストたちが世界中27カ国から参加した。最終日2日には振付家のペアによる4つのチームが作品を発表し、地元の人々を含み連日100人以上の観客に作品を披露した。
集合:9:50 「西蔵王公園 展望広場」
参加費:大人1000円 / 子供 無料
ゆみうみうまれ、大阪の劇団ガンボ&メルボルンアーティスト共演による舞踏キャバレエ「DasSHOKU SHAKE!」(脱・SHOKU(色)シェイク!)が、 2014年12月、大阪、東京への公演ツアー決定!
ゆみうみうまれ、大阪の劇団ガンボ&メルボルンアーティスト共演による舞踏キャバレエ「DasSHOKU SHAKE!」(脱・SHOKU(色)シェイク!)が、 2014年12月、大阪、東京への公演ツアー決定!
東京公演 Tokyo12月19日(金)20:00開演(19:00開場) 会場:SARAVAH 東京(サラヴァ東京) 東京都渋谷区松濤1丁目29-1 クロスロードビル B1 ※JR山手線渋谷駅より徒歩10分 料金[1ドリンク付]:前売・当日/3,500円 チケット予約:SARAVAH 東京
大阪公演 Osaka12月23日(火祝)15:00開演(14:30開場) 会場:西天満ライブハウスGANZ toi,toi,toi(ガンツ トイ トイ トイ) 大阪市北区西天満5-13-7近江ビルB1 ※JR東西線大阪天満宮駅/地下鉄南森町駅1番出口より徒歩8分 泉の広場M-14左出口より徒歩10分 チケット予約:06-6366-5515 (GANZ toi,toi,toi)
<大阪追加公演 ・決定!!> ※23日と会場が異なります。ご注意ください! 12月24日(水)19:30開演(19:00開場) 会場:ライブハウス大阪KANDYLION(キャンディライオン)チケット予約:
舞踏キャバレエ「DasSHOKU SHAKE!」は、2012年メルボルン・フリンジフェスティバルでプレミアを 迎えた作品で、その2週間公演は満員御礼、また昨年、ダーウィン国際フェスティバルにも招聘され、オーストラリア・グリーンルーム賞 (INNOVATION:革新的な作品)と、メルボルン・フリンジフェスティバル賞を受賞した。
「ショックと癒しがクロスする」という謳い文句で、うみうまれを中心に公演を重ねてきた「脱・SHOKU(色)」舞踏キャバレエシリーズは、1999年か ら展開され、今作「DasSHOKU SHAKE!」は、その第4作目。観客をある時は混乱に、またある時は爆笑と感涙へと導いてゆく、混沌と調和の同居したその舞台創りには定評があり、過去 のシリーズ作品、「DasSHOKU Cultivation!」(劇団GUMBOとの共演、2003年)は大阪サンホールにて、また「DasSHOKU HORA!」(2006年)はシドニーオペラハウスでも大好評を博した。暗黒舞踏の抽象の世界に、神話的やおとぎ話、底抜けに明るく風刺の効いたキャバレ エとをミックスさせた「舞踏キャバレエ」スタイルには、オーストラリでも高い評価を受けている。
今作品「DasSHOKU SHAKE!」では、震災を通して考えさせられた人間の「ゆれ」「ぶれ」「ずれ」「はぐれ」が深いテーマになっている。揺れる感覚、ぶれる思考、はぐれる アイデンティティー、ずれるコミュニケーション、そして「シェイク」した大地から喚起された様々な思いを、色彩豊かなキャラクター達が、踊り、演劇、歌や 語りを通して問いかけてゆく。
“ビジュアル、コンセプト共に豊かなこの作品は、「クレマスター」(マシュー・バーニーによる独特なスタイルの映像作品)より も面白い。(中略)うみうまれは私たちの住むこの街に、途方もない、ひどく面白い、全く素晴らしい舞台を持ってきてくれた。ハローキティのおしめをする特 大の赤子、唄ううんこ頭にファースト・フードの踊り。何が一番混乱したかと言えば、何故この作品がメルボルン国際フェスティバルの目玉商品になっていない かということであった。” The Age (オーストラリア有力新聞)
笑いを共に誘発するかのような不快な絵画的イメージに感嘆する” Herald Sun (メルボルン新聞)
“この作品のメッセージ性には意味深く差し迫ってくるものがある。混沌とした私たちの存在そのものに対する静かな沈思黙想のようなものを呼び覚ませる。” The Peril Magazine (メルボルン雑誌)
The Amphitheatre, George’s Green
2週間公演 @fortyfivedownstairs
The Butoh Cabaret Extravaganza, DasSHOKU SHAKE! is now taking off to the land of the Rising Sun where they’ll be re-united with the explosive Japanese company Theatre Gumbo! The tour will be taking place in December2014 with performances in Tokyo, Osaka and also conducting workshops at Minami Sanriku in Miyagi Prefecture, an area greatly affected by the earthquake and Tsunami in 2011.
DasSHOKU SHAKE! Tour to Japan in December 2014
19(Fri) Dec 2014 at Saravah Tokyo 8pm start (7pm open) Booking: Saravah Tokyo 03-6427-8886 ※Mon Tue Thur Friday (no public holiday) 14:00~18:00
23(Tue) Dec 2014 at Nishi Tenman LiveHouse GANZ toi toi toi 3pm start (2.30pm open) Public holiday Booking and Enquiry in Englsih
24(Wed) Dec 2014 X'mas Eve Special
at Livehouse Osaka KANDYLION, 3-5-14 Nakazaki Kita-ku Osaka 7.30start(7pm open) Booking and Enquiry in Englsih
Winner of the Green Room Award for Innovation and Melbourne Fringe Festival Award, DasSHOKU SHAKE! is the fourth work in the infamous DasSHOKU repertoire, the unique culture-crushing dementia that has been recognised by audiences in sell-out seasons around the world since 1999. Inspired by the devastating earthquake and tsunami that rocked Japan in 2011, DasSHOKU SHAKE!, Butoh Cabaret Extravaganza bursts out of the earth to assault the senses.
ZeroZero and Hipbones Sticking Out and in Melbourne Festival
ZeroZero at Dance TerritoriesTHE SACRED AND THE PROFANE – RITUALS OF NOW Tue 14 & Wed 15 Oct 2014 @DANCEHOUSE
Yumi is in the Hipbones Sticking Out by BighART Fri 17 – Tue 21 Oct 2014 @ Arts Center Melbourne Playhouse
ZeroZero at Dance TerritoriesTHE SACRED AND THE PROFANE – RITUALS OF NOW Tue 14 & Wed 15 Oct 2014 @DANCEHOUSE
Two programs pair works by local and international choreographers in a charged collision of dance, highlighting different approaches to similar subject matter.
‘The Sacred and the Profane’ sees Tony Yap and Yumi Umiumare perform their exploration of nothingness, Zero, Zero, alongside a playful work by Nicole Mossoux and Patrick Bonté (Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté) featuring three obsessive coffee drinkers.
Yumi is in the Hipbones Sticking Out
by BighART
Fri 17 – Tue 21 Oct 2014 @ Arts Center Melbourne Playhouse
When 16-year-old Yindjibarndi man John Pat died in a Roebourne lockup in 1983, it was more than a singular tragedy – it was part of a longer story, one that for 150 years had denied Indigenous people in the Pilbara the power to speak.
Hipbone Sticking Out takes us on a dreamlike journey through history: from Greco-Roman myths, tall ships, terra nullius, pearlers, pastoralists, slavery and exotic minerals to the lives of the Pat family in Roebourne – the here and now.
ゼロゼロ ZeroZero
1996年からコラボレーションを続けているダンスパートナー、トニー・ヤップとのデュオ作品。「ZeroZero」は3年間のデベロップメント期間をか けて制作され、それぞれの故郷の地マレーシアと日本という自分たちのルーツを探る過程の中で、マラッカ(マレーシア)のタオイズム(道教)のお寺や洞窟、 日本の高野山や恐山も訪れ創作された
1996年からコラボレーションを続けているダンスパートナー、トニー・ヤップとのデュオ作品。「ZeroZero」は3年間のデベロップメント期間をか けて制作され、それぞれの故郷の地マレーシアと日本という自分たちのルーツを探る過程の中で、マラッカ(マレーシア)のタオイズム(道教)のお寺や洞窟、 日本の高野山や恐山も訪れ創作された。作品ではvisibility and invisibility(目に見えるものと見えないもの)や「ゼロ」状態がテーマとなっており、ヤップ/うみうまれペア特有のダンスを通して、観客を陶 酔と変性意識の中に導いてゆく。
“力強くパワフルでとても感動的だ” Arts Hub(ウェブサイト・マガジン)
“瞑想的なフレームワークの中で、ゼロ的な空間を、それぞれの独特な世界から表現してゆくヤップとうみうまれのスタイルはとても魅力的だ。”(The AGE エイジ・メルボルン新聞)
Hipbone Sticking Out
Hipbone Sticking Out is a major theatre production made with the community of Roebourne, Western Australia, as part of the Yijala Yala Project. It premiered in Canberra as part of the Centenary of Canberra in 2013, and in 2014 it toured to Roebourne, Perth and Melbourne.
Hipbone Sticking Out is a major theatre production made with the community of Roebourne, Western Australia, as part of the Yijala Yala Project. It premiered in Canberra as part of the Centenary of Canberra in 2013, and in 2014 it toured to Roebourne, Perth and Melbourne.
Hipbone Sticking Out is the culmination of over three years of creative collaboration between the community of Roebourne and Big hART, who over the last two years has brought Australian audiences to their feet with Namatjira. It forms part of the larger Yijala Yala Project, which is supported and encouraged by cultural leaders and the creative talent of this Pilbara community.
Hipbone is delivered by a dream cast including Trevor Jamieson (Pitjantjatjara), Lex Marinos (Greek/Australian), Maria Lurighi (Italian/Australian) and Yumi Umiumare (Japanese). The performance combines rich layered vocal harmonies, outrageous comic makeovers, messed up ensemble movement, striking digital imagery, sweeping design and freestyle costuming to create a cosmopolitan work from the edge of the world.
“Visually spectacular…extremely moving, relevant and highly innovative…” – Barefoot Review
“A juxtaposition of dark humour and poignant honesty…perfectly balanced…” – BMA Magazine
“Charged with enegery…Pulses with life…” – Filmalice
Creative Team
The team that created Ngapartji Ngapartji, Namatjira, Nyuntu Ngali, StickybrickS and Junk Theory.
- Writer/Director Scott Rankin(Box the Pony, Ngapartji Ngapartji, Namatjira)
- Associate Director Luke Kernaghan(National Theatre of Scotland, Royal Shakespeare Company)
- Musical Director Nate Gilkes(Chants de Catacombes, Margaret Fulton: Queen of the Dessert)
- Choreographer Yumi Umiumare(Butoh Cabaret, Ngapartji Ngapartji, Tokyo DasSHOKU Girl)
- Co-Choreographer Adelina Larsson(QL2, Strut Dance Choreographic Centre)
- Set Design Genevieve Dugard(Belvoir, Opera Australia, Bangarra Dance Theatre)
- Costume Design Tess Schofield(Cloudstreet, The Diary of a Madman, The Sapphires)
- Lighting Design Matt Cox(Bangarra Dance Theatre, Sydney Theatre Company, Bell Shakespeare)
- Sound Design Jed Silver(Sydney Theatre Company, Belvoir, Circque Du Soleil)
- AV/Video Design Benjamin Ducroz(London International Animation Festival, Asian Art Biennale, MTV)
Performance Ensemble: Dudley Billing, Martin Crewes, Cho Cleary, Shareena Clanton, Sheridan Harbridge, David Hewitt, Trevor Jamieson, Maria Lurighi, Lex Marinos, Natalie O’Donnell, Yumi Umiumare, Michael Whalley, with performers from the Roebourne communityincluding Josie Alec, Patrick Churnside, and Allery Sandy.
Butoh residential workshop 2-5 May 2014
On the Wimmera River, 15kms West of HorshamLead By Yumi Umiumare with a special guest voice artist from Tokyo, Kyoko Hirobe and locally based visual artist Anthony Pelchen
BUTOH RESIDENTIAL WORKSHOP2(Fri)-5(Mon) May 2014 on the Wimmera River, 15kms West of Horsham Lead By Yumi Umiumare with a special guest voice artist from Tokyo, Kyoko Hirobe and locally based visual artist Anthony Pelchen
$350/320 (Vegetarian meals included) Early Bird Special by 17 April $330/300 $330/$300 (Vegetarian meals included)
The aim of this workshop is to expand body awareness, deepen consciousness and unleash internal expression though a response to landscape. This 130 acre site near Mt Arapiles allows participants to move between bush-land, sand dunes, open fields, river and elevated rock, opening up the senses to color, texture, sound and form. Over the weekend, Yumi will introduce various methods of Butoh, Chi/Gravity exercises, breathing methods and encourage a fuller expression and consciousness of well-being. The body practices, voice work and drawing will act as powerful counterpoints and as opportunities to filter one into the other, strengthening the links between the external environment and the internal landscape.Kyoko (known as Earth Voice Kyoko) will share simple techniques for grounding body energy and connecting with the inner voice. Anthony will run a session of charcoal drawing that tap into this and the overall energetic build-up over the weekend. No dance, singing or drawing experience required
YUMI UMIUMARE: Born in Hyogo, Japan, Yumi is the only Japanese Butoh Dancer in Australia and the creator of provocative Butoh Cabaret works. Originally a member of the seminal Butoh Company DaiRakudakan in Tokyo, she moved to Australia and in 1993. Over the last 20 years Yumi’s versatile and distinctive physical theatre works have been seen in the spectrum of dance, theatre and film productions and festivals throughout Australia, Japan, Europe, New Zealand and South Eastern Asia. Yumi teaches Butoh nationally and internationally. KYOKO HIROBE: Kyoko is a native voice artist from Tokyo, touring Japan with several bands, singing in her deep soulful and powerful voice. In 2011 Kyoko performed with Yumi in Tokyo and joined Butoh residential workshop in Australian in 2012. A psychic healer and numerologist who has worked with over 8000 people in Japan, Kyoko has a love of volcanic mountains and the smell of souls. ANTHONY PELCHEN: As a visual artist working across mediums, Anthony studied at the Victorian College of the Arts and has since presented work in Australia, Japan, Malaysia and Denmark. For over a decade he has periodically collaborated with Yumi Umiumare and Tony Yap and since 2010 has curated the Visual Arts program of the annual Melaka Art & Performance Festival, Malaysia.
Butoh Residential Workshop 13(Fri) -16(Mon) December 2013 舞踏合宿ー歓喜・喚起・換気 KANKI
Butoh Residential Workshop 13(Fri) -16(Mon) December 2013舞踏合宿ー歓喜・喚起・換気 KANKI on the Wimmera River, 15kms West of Horsham Lead By Yumi Umiumare with Anthony Pelchen
Butoh Residential Workshop 13(Fri) -16(Mon) December 2013舞踏合宿ー歓喜・喚起・換気 KANKI
on the Wimmera River, 15kms West of Horsham Lead By Yumi Umiumare with Anthony Pelchen
The aim of this workshop is to expand body awareness, deepen consciousness and unleash internal expression though a response to landscape. This 130-acre site near Mt Arapiles allows participants to move between bush, sand dunes, open fields, river and elevated rock, opening up the senses to color, texture, sound and form. Over the weekend, Yumi will introduce various methods of Butoh, Chi/Gravity & Focus exercises, breathing methods and creative expression, as well as encourage a deep consciousness of well-being. Body practices and drawing in nature act as powerful counterpoints and as opportunities to filter one into the other, strengthening the links between the external environment and the internal landscape.
Anthony Pelchen, a visual artist, will guide a dynamic session of collective charcoal drawing that taps into this and the overall energetic build-up over the weekend.
*KANKi : Provocation, Delight, Ventilation in Japanese *No dance, singing or drawing experience is required
$350/320 (Vegetarian meals included) Early Bird Special by 30 Nov $330/300
Workshop - Butoh Intensive March 2014
Wednesdays 5th – 26th March, 10am – 1.00pm, The course is open to all levels of experience.
Through the 4 week course, Yumi introduces the basic philosophy and physical exercises in Butoh and other dance discipline.
Wednesdays 5th – 26th March, 10am – 1.00pm, The course is open to all levels of experience.
Through the 4 week course, Yumi introduces the basic philosophy and physical exercises in Butoh and other dance discipline. Participants will explore:
在り方 Being -individual body presence 重力 Gravitating 感覚 Perceiving 空間 Spatial elements, both internal and external ため Accumulations, Isolation and sensation 間(ま)’Ma’ sense of emptiness, Active blankness, Active pause 記憶 Memory and Poetry 型/面 Form and Mask 摸写/ 反復 Copy and Repetition 想像/ 創造 Imagination to Creation
Through the practice, the participants will also create a short piece, exploring; Characterisation Provocation Transformation Tune in/Tune out Embrace the unknown
At the end of the workshops, we will have a informal gathering to show and tell about the work we create.
A series of experimentations of visual poetries, film work and physical theatre, inspired by Yumi’s own experience of her brother who had a cerebral hemorrhage. Is it really happening right in front of us or are we daydreaming? What if our piled up memories were suddenly erased? Our memories are like a heritage but our brain could hemorrhage.
White Day Dream(白昼夢) series
Our memories are like a heritage but our brain could hemorrhage.
White Day Dream(白昼夢)is a series of experimentations of visual poetries, film work and physical theatre, inspired by Yumi’s own experience of her brother who had a cerebral hemorrhage. Like a dream itself, the work try to recalling viewer’s emotion and subconscious, and portrays physical and psycho-emotional realms where things are at once unexpectedly linked and disconnected. Our idea of ‘reality’ blurs fluctuates and we try to substitute it with our own visionary fantasy and imagination.
Is it really happening right in front of us or are we daydreaming?
What if our piled up memories were suddenly erased?
Experiment #4
白い昼の夢(Japanese Title)White DayDream
Created and performed by local performers
at Odorini Ikuze Feitival (we are gonna dance festival) in Hakata, Japan,Feb 2017
Collaboration with Weave Theatre (Oct-Dec 2015)The showing 16 December 2015
FOLA Performance @Arts House As a part of Festival of Live Art
Feb 2014 White Day Dream Video works
Credits for the photography
Photo by Will Taylor and NObu from IETM, 2014, Artshouse.
Performance by Gregory Lorenzutti, Tim Crafti, Satori Fukuzimi and Yumi Umiumare
Photo by Vikk Shayen
DasSHOKU SHAKE! has received GREEN ROOM AWARD for INNOVATION in Cabaret category, along side of Melbourne Fringe Festival Award, Innovation in Cultural Diversity Practice.
In bed with... The elephant in the room
A work in progress performance devised by the creative team in collaboration with women from the sex industry, men and youth( platform youth theatre).Through the stories of local and traffic women we ask, what is the impact of the sex industry upon us all?
@ Lamama Courthouse Theatre
Project respect in collaboration with platform youth theatre
A work in progress performance devised by the creative team in collaboration with women from the sex industry, men and youth.Through the stories of local and traffic women we ask, what is the impact of the sex industry upon us all?
Direction: Catherine Simmonds
Choreography: Yumi Umiumare
Sound Design: Dan West
Performers from Platform youth theatre and Project respect