Photo by Vikk Shayen
DasSHOKU SHAKE! has received GREEN ROOM AWARD for INNOVATION in Cabaret category, along side of Melbourne Fringe Festival Award, Innovation in Cultural Diversity Practice.
Queen Provocateur Moira FINUCANE and the world’s most addictive divas unleash their latest, hot-off-the-press exotic and inimitable Franken-routines and plunge into Paradise.
Dark angels, hair and feathers flying, ecstatic swans, naked circus, disco heaven, transcendent Tokyo, flesh and bone, hearts and music pounding … Paradise. Fresh off the plane from her triumphs in London, Brighton & Paris – Finucane returns with a grab bag of wild new work and a few global favourites.
London’s infamous red hanky stripper URSULA MARTINEZ; circus wild child JESS LOVE; Tokyo Terawatt YUMI UMIUMARE; Parisian dance siren HOLLY DURANT; backroom ballerina LILY PASKAS; bombshell songbird & Circus Oz ringmistress SARAH WARD as she’s never been seen before; and Moira FINUCANE herself, inspired by the museums of Paris, in predatory PARADISE
“reminds us of the inadequacy of simple applause” The Latest UK
DasSHOKU SHAKE! 27 September - 7 October, 2012
A Japanese Australian Butoh Cabaret ExtravaganzaBy Yumi Umiumare with Theatre Gumbo & local and international Artists. 27 SEPTEMBER - 7 OCTOBER 2012 "Wild extremes in fearless performance shock, fascinate..." The AGE (DasSHOKU Hora!)
fortyfivedownstairs, 45 Flinders Lane Melbourne Wednesday - Saturday 8pm, Sunday 5.30pm
A Japanese Australian Butoh Cabaret Extravaganza
By Yumi Umiumare with Theatre Gumbo & local and international Artists.
27 September - 7 October 2012
"Wild extremes in fearless performance shock, fascinate..."The AGE (DasSHOKU Hora!)
fortyfivedownstairs, 45 Flinders Lane Melbourne Wednesday - Saturday 8pm, Sunday 5.30pm $27 Full / $22 Concession $18 Preview (27 Sep) / $18 group of 6 people
www.fortyfivedownstairs.com (03)9662 9966 - Click here to book. www.melbournefringe.com.au (03)9660 9666
Be ready to get lost in this funky cross cultural emo shake up! DasSHOKU SHAKE! is the fourth work in the award winning DasSHOKU repertoire - the unique culture-crushing dementia, which has been recognized by audiences in sell-out seasons nationally and internationally since 1999. Dasshoku means ‘to bleach’.
Butoh Punkess Yumi Umiumare ignites her next infamous DasSHOKU Cabaret, bursting from the shaking earth. Osaka's legendary Theatre Gumbo, international guest artists from Japan plus four of Melbourne’s shock-toy acolytes bring things of darkness out into footlights. Jap-pop and white mysticism assault Buddhist Heart sutra! Comic! Bizarre!
Does devastation transform us, cleanse us or bleach us?
Photo by : Vikk Shayen
★★★★ "This is a riot... black humour, absurd juxtapositions and occasional poignancy with skills for thrills."THE ADVERTISER (Theatre GUMBO)
Photo by Masami Kikuchi
AUSTRALIA Yumi Umiumare Matt Crosby Helen Smith Willow J Harrison Hall
THEATRE GUMBO Kayo Tamura Kenichi Mabuchi Ryo Nishihara Nono Miyasaka
FROM OSAKA Hiromitsu Oishi Chizuru Misaki (intere-P) Tomomi Nakayama (joli ma coeur) AYA (Osaka Shinsengumi)
Co-Director Yumi Umiumare & Kayo Tamura Dramaturgy Matt Crosby Set Design Ellen Strasser Sound Design Dan West Costume Design Kiki Ando and Theatre GUMBO Lighting Design Tom Willis Stage Manager Rita Khayat Front of House Ballerina Masami Sato
Photo & Design Vikk Shayen Photo Masami Kikuchi (Japan)
Photo by : Vikk Shayen
Photo by Masami Kikuchi
Ngapartji Ngapartji at Canberra Theatre 25-28 July 2012
Ngapartji Ngapartji at Canberra Theatre 25-28 July 2012 From the shelter of an isolated and timeless existence in the vast desert centre of our country, to a confrontation with the strange new world of non-indigenous Australia, Trevor Jamieson traces his family’s story through the 20th Century.The phrase 'Ngapartji Ngapartji' has no exact Western translation; it loosely translates as 'I give you something, you give me something' and captures the spirit of this generous virtuosic piece of theatre.
Ngapartji Ngapartji at Canberra Theatre 25-28 July 2012
From the shelter of an isolated and timeless existence in the vast desert centre of our country, to a confrontation with the strange new world of non-indigenous Australia, Trevor Jamieson traces his family’s story through the 20th Century.The phrase 'Ngapartji Ngapartji' has no exact Western translation; it loosely translates as 'I give you something, you give me something' and captures the spirit of this generous virtuosic piece of theatre.
With a gentle touch, Trevor invites us into his family’s epic story, sharing this journey through word, song, movement and film of his family’s almost unbelievable encounters with the non-indigenous world. From his extended family’s strong cultural life, their first white contact, missionaries, the urgency of their confrontation with the Cold War, nuclear tests in the Australian desert and his own walk between two cultures today.
Directed by Scott Rankin
CREATOR T revor Jamieson
CAST Trevor Jamieson, Yumi Umiumare, Lex Marinos, Milyika Carroll and Renita Stanley
Solstice Celebration - Winter at Federation Square
You are invited to walk with us through spoken words and illuminated books, into folklore and newly created cultural mythology, warmed by market surrounds. Take one of the hand-made lanterns from the stage and participate in a beautiful lantern dance of a thousand twinkling lights. In Walking Through Words, acclaimed choreographers, Tony Yap and Yumi Umiumare lead a performance with nine community groups.
Take one of the hand-made lanterns from the stage and participate in a beautiful lantern dance of a thousand twinkling lights.
In Walking Through Words, acclaimed choreographers, Tony Yap and Yumi Umiumare lead a performance with nine community groups. Men from the Afghan community will share letters to the world and their families in the Afghan Men’s Shed and a group of young African women present Unveiling the Veil, where they respond through poetry to public perception about the Hijab. These Are The Projects We Do Together will entertain the kids with torch-led guerilla lighting, so get the family together to celebrate the Melbourne's winter solstice.
Where: Main Square When: Saturday 23 June, 5pm - 8pm Price: Free
Click here for more information.
Caravan Burlesque
Dates: Wed, 9 May and Thur ,10, May7:30pm Creative Medium: Performance Creative: Caravan Burlesque
Location: Mesley Hall, Leongatha Shire Region: South Gippsland Shire
Main Contact: Sophie Dixon Phone: 5662 9202
EnTrance Sydney tour PerformanceSpace
‘A mystical collision of butoh and theatre.’ - The Age
‘EnTrance opens heart, body and soul to the transformations that direct the human spirit.’ – Canberra Times
Performance in TOKYO Jan 2012 Earth Dimension Version 1
Shaking. Fluttered Down BY IKKO SUZUKI and YUMI UMIUMARE
12th(Thur) Jan 2012 19:00 OPEN 19:30 START Adult 2500 yen/ Concession 2000yen(drink included) Venue:KEN 4-8-3B102, Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo (access) http://www.kenawazu.com/access.html
Tel&Fax 03-3795-1776 http://www.kenawazu.com
IKKO SUZUKI http://sites.google.com/site/suzukiikko/
土の面〜つちのおもて〜ヴァージョン1 「揺れ」からこぼれ落ちたもの
鈴木一琥 and ゆみうみうまれ 2012年 1月12日(木) 一般 2500円(ドリンク付き)/コンセッション 2000円(*学生、無職の方) 会場:KEN 4-8-3B102, Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 東京都世田谷区太子堂4−8−3B102 Tel&Fax 03-3795-1776 http://www.kenawazu.com
距離が「はぐれ」 背景が「ゆれ」 時間が「ぶれ」 方法が「ずれ」 情報が「こぼれ」た。
3.11 を通じて体験した混乱と問いかけを切り口にして 北半球在住鈴木一琥と、南半球在住ゆみうみうまれという マレーシア、マラッカフェスティバルで出会った異色の2人の ダンサーによる踊り、語り、対話と沈黙。 自分達の中に何が揺れたのか 人間が本当に自然の一部であるのならば 自分たちは一体何を失い、何を守るのか
大地の次元ーEarth Dimensionに身をおいたときに 踊りやダンスは一体何を意味するか そして、そんな壮大なテーマに身なんておけるのか??今回??
Live event in TOKYO Dec 2011 Organized by Taiyodo
at Yudo(1920’s old style Japanese house/gallery) 3-20-21 Shimo ochiai, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo http://blog.yu-do.noor.jp/?cid=29508
3500yen/3000yen Booking mail@healingtaiyodo.com
Voice: Earth Voice Kyoko http://www.healingtaiyodo.com/ Dance: Yumi Umiumare http://www.yumi.com.au Percussion: Masa Yamaguchi http://tayuta.hiho.jp/ Guitar, Shakuhachi: Masaaki Aoyama http://aoyama-masaaki.com/
2011年をみんなで祝って締めくくるライブ』 ~私たちこれからも魂を揺らし続けていきたいね~
【日時】 2011年12月26日(月) 19:00(Open) 19:30(Start) ※ライブ終了後、三重ちゃんの愛情おむすびを囲みシェアリングの時間もあります 【出演】 アースボイス京子 / ダンス ゆみ うみうまれ パーカッション やまぐち まさ / ホーメイ・ギター・尺八 青山雅明
【場所】 都会の中のステキな古民家 「ゆうど」 (JR目白駅徒歩5分) 新宿区下落合3-20-21 / 03-5996-6151 【参加費】 予約3,000円 / 当日3,500円 【ご予約・お問い合わせ】 連絡先メールアドレス 「mail★healingtaiyodo.com」 ★を@に変えてお送りください。
Return to Sender
Curated by Paul Gazzola & Jeff Khan Wed 23 – Sat 26 Nov, 8pm Preview Wed 23 Nov Opening Thu 24 Nov
[BAY 20, CARRIAGEWORKS] $30 Full / $20 Members and Concessions $15 Student Rush Fri 25 Nov (from box office on the night only)
Return to Sender is a collection of eight short dance works exploring the influence of international creative relationships on the practice of Australian dance artists.
For Return to Sender, curators Paul Gazzola and Jeff Khan have invited eight Australian dance-makers to devise new works that recreate the choreography, score, or essence of an international peer’s work. The resulting works range from reconstructed solos, to collaborative texts, to performed instructions. Together, they provide an insight into the creative collaborations that influence Australian artists’ work, but which take place overseas and are often out-of-sight to their audiences due to distance, geography and expense.
Artists: Alison Currie, Nadia Cusimano, Matthew Day, Atlanta Eke, Jane McKernan, Latai Taumoepeau, Tony Yap and Yumi Umiumare.
Trans-mute Butoh-Cabaret 9 to 29 May 2010
Melbourne’s legendary Yumi Umiumare, leads student performers in the creation of a playful, transgressive and hyper-energized hybrid. Combining the physical extremes of butoh and the intimate inventiveness of cabaret, Trans-Mute will reframe everyday stories as strange outlandish songs and dances.
In the Arts Island Performance 2010
23 June 2010 - 1 July 2010
Tony Yap (Australia) Yumi Umiumare (Japan/Australia) Michael Hornblow (New Zealand) Brendan O'Connor (Ireland) Memet Chairul Slamet (Indonesia) Agung Gunawan (Indonesia)
Finucane & Smith’s Carnival of Mysteries Melbourne Festival 2010
Run away to the Carnival, where circus stars and sideshow queens, poets and daredevils, painters, playwrights, aerialists and food artistes concoct a heady mix of unforgettable entertainment under a handmade starry sky
Sakasama - reverse world
Improvisation Land 21.5
Yumi Umiumare + HK Dance - Daniel Yeung Music - Edmund Leung As part of th I-Dance(Hong Kong) 2009 festival in Hong Kong, Yumi is performed a solo work Sakasama: the reverse world. The two worlds of Life and Death are described as two shores; one is ethe near shoref (the world of the living), and the other is 'ethe far shore' (the world of after-death). A river flows between them. 'The far shore' is a reversed world: it is the reverse of the world of the living and everything is upside down. Umiumare explores the juxtaposition of her presence in Australia, experimenting with the neutrality of emotion and color, and to manipulate rhythms. 5th Dec 2009 : Programme 5 03.12 (Thu) Black Box Theatre, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Honk Kong I-Dance (Hong Kong) 2009
Burning Daylight with Marrugeku
Broome 29 -31 October : Goolarri Outdoor Venue Perth 4-7 November : Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts Sydney 12-15 November : Performance Space Melbourne 19-22 November : Arts House Hobart 26-28 November : Salamanca Arts Centre
Creative Team: Director: Rachael Swain, Choreographers: Serge Aime Coulibaly & Dalisa Pigram, Designer: Joey Ruigrok van der Werven, Cinematographer: Warwick Thornton, Dramaturg: David Pledger, Costume Designer: Stephen Curtis, Lighting Designer: Geoff Cobham, Musical Director: Matthew Fargher, songs by : Amanda Brown Performers: Trevor Jamieson, Dalisa Pigram, Kathy Cogill, Owen Maher, Sermsah Bin Saad, Antonia Djiagween & Yumi Umiumare Musicians: Dazastah, Lorrae Coffin & Justin Gray
The Burlesque Hour LEGENDS! Presented by Finucane and Smith June 25th – August 2nd MelbourneThe Burlesque Hour LEGENDS! Presented by Finucane and Smith June 25th – August 2nd Melbourne
Every fortnight a new LEGEND. Don’t you miss out.
From London cult cabaret legend Ursula Martinez, star of the Olivier Award winning La Clique, purveyor of the infamous hanky strip; to three time Helpmann and Green Room winner, Australia’s darkest singing angel, Paul Capsis, “in possession of a voice that sounds like an act of God” (Scotsman); to Miss Toni Lamond The Legend of Australian Variety, Order of Australia, Keys to the City of Melbourne, and declared by the Sydney Morning Herald as “The Ultimate Showgirl”, The Burlesque Hour mixes it up with the very very best stars of the stratosphere. Add to that internationally acclaimed Mistress of Grand Guignol Moira Finucane, Japanese electric shock butoh dancer Yumi Umiumare; the elegant iconoclast Maude Davey; smouldering circus siren Azaria Universe; the growing kitten-exploitation legend of wild dancers Kitten K.O and you have BURLESQUE HOUR … LEGENDS