Current Work, News, performance, Work, Dance work, Dance Yumi Umiumare Current Work, News, performance, Work, Dance work, Dance Yumi Umiumare

Buried TeaBowl- OKUNI

Buried TeaBowl -OKUNI is an intimate and epic solo performance installation bringing together dance, text, song and tea ceremony with stunning film captured in 2021 during the lockdown.The work is inspired by the Japanese historical female dancer and shaman Okuni, who initiated Kabuki theatre in the early 1600s, which women were banned from performing after these times.



Buried TeaBowl -OKUNI
is an intimate and epic solo performance installation bringing together dance, text, song and tea ceremony with stunning film captured in 2021 during the lockdown.The work is inspired by the Japanese historical female dancer and shaman Okuni, who initiated Kabuki theatre in the early 1600s, which women were banned from performing after these times.

At the height of her powers, Yumi Umiumare, Melbourne performance legend and Australia’s leading Butoh artist, unearths precious sacred female power which has been buried throughout history.Yumi channels the multifaceted character of Okuni who was so powerful, yet fragile and complex, to reawaken her spirit through excavating  these buried stories and myths.


Created and Performed : Yumi Umiumare
Cinematographer/ Editor : Takeshi Kondo
Composer/ Sound Designer : Dan West
Lighting designer: Emma Lockhart-Wilson 
Dramaturg/ Maude Davey
Provocateur : Moira Finucane
Producer : Kath Papas productions 

Photographer: Vikk Shayen
Graphic design : Mariko Naito
Calligraphy: Hisako Tsuchiya
Publicity : Diana Wolfe

The show was premiered at the BlackCat Gallery in May 2022.

Thu 5 May 8:30pm – Preview
Fri 6 May 8pm – Opening
Sat 7 May 8pm
Sun 8 May 6pm

Wed 11 May 8pm
Thu 12 May 8pm
Fri 13 May 8pm
Sat 14 May 8pm
Sun 15 May 6pm

Duration: 80 mins

Full: $35 / Con: $25
Superiori-TEA: $50 incl. drink on arrival

BlackCat Gallery
420 Brunswick St
Fitzroy 3065
Vic Australia

Vikk Shayen (Above)
Takeshi Kondo (Below)

This season is supported by the Besen Family Foundation and BLACKCAT Gallery.

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写真:Mathew Lynn・Vikk Shayen・Jodie Hutchinson | グラフィックデザイン:Takashi Takiguchi






 ”このプロジェクトは「芸術は呪術だ!」という岡本太郎の言葉から触発を受けて始まったものです。30年以上、アーティスト・芸術家として生きてきた私の目に、再びこの言葉が目飛び込んできたのも、「呪術的パワー」をアートの根本として捉え直してみたい、という渇望のようなものからです。アートがエンターテーメントや娯楽、商業としてのみ存在しかねない現代社会の中、いま私たちはアーティストは何を問いただし、熟考し、行動してゆくべきか。まさにこのコロナ渦の現代、見えない不安や情報に踊らされている今こそ、この「見えない力」というものに目を向け、耳を傾け、匂い、触り、味わってみる、まさに五感を駆使して、さらに「六感」を鍛えてゆく作業が芸術の持つ「呪術的パワー」を復興させる過程になるのではないかと思えてならないのです。”           ゆみ・うみうまれ


  • ゆみのアートについての簡単な紹介

  • スペシャルゲストの分野についてのご紹介

  • 「呪術とは?」「アートと呪術の関係は?」などの会話を通してのQ&A

  • 簡単なメソッドとワークショップ


Zoom 日時

1月 30日(日)日本時間@9:00am-11:00am
シリーズ #3:アマラ京子(JAPAN)チャネラー・シンガー

★ 6月メルボルンにて終了
シリーズ #4: キャロライン・ヒギンス(AUSTRALIA)司祭者

★ 10月メルボルンにて終了
シリーズ #5: メルボルン大学・科学科学生と教授(AUSTRALIA)

2021年 (終了)

シリーズ #1:シャイヤ土屋(USA): アニマルコミュニケーター

シリーズ #2: 濱田秀樹(JAPAN):呪術スペシャリスト




Zoom Linkは各イベント日の前日に登録されたメールアドレスに送信されます。




PayPalの方はこちら:Pay Pal

オーストラリアではクレジットカードでお支払い・お申し込みができる場合はこちらのリンク(英語): リンク



スペシャルゲスト・ プロフィール

日本・アメリカにて15年以上の動物病院勤務の経験を持つ動物医療の専門家であると同時に、幼い頃から授かるスピリチュアル能力を活かし、アニマルコミュニケーターの先駆者であるペネロペ・スミス(Penelope Smith)に師事、アニマルコミュニケーションを極める。そのスピリチュアル能力は動物だけに限らず、高次元からのエネルギーを受け取るチャネリングを可能にし、また、各種コーチング・カウンセラースキルや心理・量子力学知識など現世スキルを駆使し、地に足のついたスピリチュアルとして、人々の癒しとより良い人生を歩んで頂くサポート役「ライフクリエーター」として活動の軸をシフトさせている。2010年から聖地セドナの持つ大地の力強さ・インスピレーションに魅せられ2014年移住。その能力から特にネイティブアメリカン組織より聖地巡礼や各セレモニーを司る資格を与えられ、大地に根付くシャーマニズムを身体に摂り入れている。現在ではシャーマニズムをベースにチャネリング、ソマチック、コーチングなど多岐に渡るスピリチュアルを統合したテラ・スピリチュアリズムを提唱し、人々の肉体・精神・魂の癒しと統合・再生のための活動を行うと共にそのスキルを広める人材育成に励んでいる。 シャイヤのHP






魂のにおいが好き。 約20年前、突如声が降りてくるようになり、以来インディアンドラム片手に世界各地で唄い続け、日本のドラム&ヴォイスワークの第一人者でもある。 延べ9000人の魂をみてきたチャネラーでもあり、その人の魂のルーツを霊視し伝えることを生業にしている。 その他、舞踏パフォーマンス、女性器画家、女性性解放のワークショップ開催、ネィティヴアメリカンの秘技であるパワーアニマルセレモニーをするなど、アートとシャーマニズムな活動をこなす。2017年、東京から岩手県の早池峰山の麓に移住。「イーハトーヴ 山と水の太陽舎」という屋号で築100年の古民家をリフォームしながら、あらゆるイベントを展開中。





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Jujutsu 呪術 Project

Jujutsu Project is a research project by Yumi Umiumare, exploring Jujutsu, the Japanese notion of shamanism. Yumi works with three artists and five specialists, including a first nations artist, a celebrant, scientists, a veterinarian/animal communicator and artists from diverse backgrounds in Australia, Japan & USA via online and live meetings.


Photo by Mathew Lynn, Vikk Shayen, Jodie Hutchinson | Graphic Design by Takashi Takiguchi


Jujutsu Project is a research Project, exploring Jujutsu

the Japanese notion of shamanism.

On-going research project about Jujutsu呪術: Japanese notion of Shamanism. Since 2021, Yumi has worked 5 specialists and 3 artists, including a first nations artist, scientists, veterinarian/animal communicator, clairvoyant, celebrant and artists from diverse backgrounds in Australia, Japan, Denmark and USA. Now it is in the process of making creative laboratory, which would be creating as a new performance work.

Yumi states;
“This project was inspired by Taro Okamoto's words, "Art is JuJutsu呪術 (magic)!” Having lived and practiced as an artist for more than 30 years, these famous word came to my awareness again because of the desire to recapture that "magical power" as the basis of art. During COVID-19, we frequently face ‘invisible’ fears and anxieties, this leads to the urgent question for artists ‘how should we act?’ Instead, how can we dance with the ‘invisible’ positive power of Jujutsu, through the analogy of our senses, ritual, quantum physics and inexplicable phenomena. I believe that making full use of our five senses and training our six senses, would be a one of the processes of reviving art with the magical power of Jujutsu”.

The interviews and collaboration were taken place via online and live meetings, explored the notion of ‘magic’ ‘spontaneity’ ‘inexplicable’ ‘invisible’ and connections between arts and Jujutsu. Yumi has also participated the online residency between Denmark-US-Australia, in BIRACA, Denmark.

The activities were funded by Creative Victoria, Creators Fund.

Summary Of Research Works

The summary of her research works were as below:

  • Aug 2021

  • March-May 2022

    Working with Adrian Pearce, professor/ scientist(Melbourne) and PhD students in Melbourne university

    Working with Shia Tsuchiya, animal communicator/veterinarian(USA)

    Working with Hideki Hamada, Jujutsu expertise/psychotherapist, (Japan)

  • Dec 2021- March 2022

    Working with Caroline Higgins, celebrant(Melbourne)

    Working with Kyoko Amara, clairvoyant/singer/ healer (Japan)

  • July 2022- Oct 2022

    Yumi has worked with the 3 established art practitioners of their expertise, Dalisa Pigram(Broome), Tony Yap (Melbourne), and Moira Finucane (Melbourne).

  • Nov/Dec 2022

    Yumi has collected 99 creative material and conducted ‘Show and tell “of those 99 materials and create a final ‘ceremony’ as 100th material of dancing, at Sol Gallery, Melbourne.

Yumi states;

“My aim of this research project was to refresh and re-inspire my creative practice through diverse perspectives; science, spirituality, rituals and other no-arts practices as well as to find actual creative methods.Through the research of the Jujutsu (translated as Magic) I was able to recapture these "magical powers" as the basis of art and started to understand some ways of finding a creative portal through arts practice.

It was extremely rich and fulfilling process for me to work with various spiritual expertises, scientists and artists, as well as to interview people in Broome, where Japanese aboriginal cultures meets. Sharing the topics about ‘magic’ and ‘invisible’ power were incredible inspiring and nurturing process for me both personally and professionally. My objective for this research was to take me into the new and unknown territories in order for me to extend my creativity in arts, spirituality and well-being all all kinds of levels. It was very satisfying process for me to fulfil my objectives and share the processes with participated artists and practitioners, exchanging our expertise and insights, especially after having long  restrictions through COVID.

I was also able to share my conversations and processes with arts and non-arts communities. I’ve interviewed over 20 people from non-arts background, and conducted 3 public Zoom sessions with 3 Japanese experts, which attracted over 80 people from Japan, Australia and other countries.

As I planned, I’ve held a public show and tell of showing the 99 creative materials, and one live performance to complete the process of the 100 Supernatural Tales. It was at Sol Gallery in 16 Dec 2022.

The creative materials of spontaneous, inexplicable, invisible and art, involving stories, visual, movements were;

• 12 self edited video works( including 5 dance video)

• 5 interview excerpts videos

• 20 stories 

• 10 sounds

• 10 artefacts 

• 42 visual photos and poetry

• 1 final dance 

The Past Session DATES/times with Specialists


★SUN 30th Jan @11:00am-1:00 pm (GMT+11)
Series #3 Kyoko Amara : Chaneller/Singer

June - Completed (without Open Zoom sessions)
Series #4 Caroline Higgins: Celebrant

Oct- Completed (Internal Zoom sessions only)
Series #5 Melbourne university science students


★Sun 5th Dec @10:30am-12pm (GMT+11)
Series #1:Shia Tsuchiya: Animal communicator

★SUN 19th Dec @10:30am-12pm (GMT+11)
Seires #2 HIDEKI Hamada: Jujutsu Specialist


Please book via TRY BOOKING Link

Japanese Specialists’ Profiles

Shia Tsuchiya- Animal Communicator (SEDONA, USA)

Born in Nagano, Japan, Shia currently lives in Sedna, after working in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Shia has been a veterinary specialist with more than 15 years of experience working in veterinary clinics in Japan and the United States. Taking advantage of the spiritual abilities since her childhood, Shia started to follow her teacher, Penelope Smith, a pioneer of animal communicators. Shia works also as a healer to support people not limited to animals, and lead them a better life through receiving energy from higher dimensions. Since 2010, she has been fascinated by the sacred place Sedna then moved there in 2014.In recent years, she has been qualified to manage pilgrimages to sacred places and ceremonies, especially from Native American organisations, and has also conducted hiking and ceremonies for healing and regeneration of people's bodies, spirits and souls.Currently Shia advocates ‘terra spiritualism’ that integrates a wide range of spirituals such as channeling, somatic, and coaching based on shamanism. She also educate and foster people for their healing, integration, and regeneration of their bodies, minds, and spirits, as well as their skills.



Hideki Hamada - Jujutsu Specialist (OSAKA, JAPAN)

Born in Osaka in 1965, Hideki is a expertise of Jujutsu and shamanism in general. His shamanic qualities are found by Carol Proudfoot Edgar, a Native American Lakota Sioux medicine woman. In 1995, he went to the United States to study Native American mindset and formal ceremonies under Ms. Edgar. He is the only member of the Japanese Council of "Shamanic Circles", an organisation that supports the activities of shamanism around the world. He is also a psychotherapist and representative of Eagle Tribe to conduct workshops and training programs to be psychotherapist. Hideki works to make psychology useful in daily life, for participants to develop their effective interpersonal assistance skills.

Eagle Tribe’s WEBSITE


Kyoko Amara

Kyoko likes the smell of the soul. Over 20 years, she has been working as a singer with shamanistic drumming and she describes ‘hearing as the voice suddenly began to come down’. Kyoko is also a ‘channeller’/clairvoyant in Japan, holding sessions with over 9000 people. Her main work is to spiritually convey the roots of people’s souls. She has been also engaged in art and shamanistic activities through Butoh performance, painting female genitals, holding workshops for feminine liberation and holding a power animal ceremony, which is a secret practice of the Native American people. In 2017, Kyoko moved from Tokyo to the foot of Mt. Hayachine in Iwate Prefecture, organising all kinds of events while renovating an 100-year-old folk house under the name of "Ihatov Mountain and Water Sunshade”.

Kyoko is renewing her website so her FB page is here.


This project is supported by Creative Victoria, Creators Fund 2021.

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Workshops, News Yumi Umiumare Workshops, News Yumi Umiumare

OnLine Butoh Unlocking our InnerBeast! #2

Yumi is running online Butoh sessions - Unlocking our InnerBeast! during Melbourne’s lockdown times in Aug and possibly extending to September 2021


Let us Release our inner-beast through Butoh!

Yumi is running 6 Butoh Sessions especially for people in the LOCKDOWN in Australia.

For our well-being, Yumi is introducing exercises of ;

>Grounding with gravity
>Energising through Chi (energy)
>Connecting own centre
>Opening up ‘new’ ways of moving
>Unblocking inner power
>Embracing our Inner Beast
and Release it!!

The details are as below.

  1. Choose the dates through TRYBOOKING.

  2. Pay as you can

  3. You will get the Zoom link.

  4. Find your own space for you to move and roll (wearing comfortable clothes)-check your dog or cat are not over excited around you.

  5. Join the session

  6. Enjoy!

Session times:


31 Aug | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:15pm
3 SEP | FRI | 10:30am - 11:45 am
7 SEP | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:15pm
10 SEP | FRI | 10:30am - 11:45 am

14 SEP | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:15pm
17 SEP | FRI | 10:30am - 11:45 am


In order to make classes safe and secure for everyone, a Zoom link will be sent to your email instead of having it publicly available.



This is open class/ workshop and you can pay in your own financial capacity.


Supported by ButohOUT! 2021



火曜日:17:00−18:15 金曜日 9:00−10:15


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Buried TeaBowl a new solo work in progress 2021

Yumi is creating a new solo work Buried TeaBowl, an interdisciplinary work with dance, text, song and poetry, inspired by Japanese female dancer/shaman, Okuni in 1600’s. The work in progress was completed in Aug 2021, and will be premiered in a live and digital performance in 2022.

photo by Vikk Shayen

photo by Vikk Shayen

Yumi's new solo work Buried TeaBowl, a work in progress, Aug 2021

Buried Tea Bowl  is a new solo interdisciplinary work in development by Yumi Umiumare, bringing together dance, text, song and poetry with tea ceremony to create an intimate and epic work with both live and digital iterations.

Buried Tea Bowl channels the character of Okuni, a Japanese female shaman who initiated Kabuki during the Edo period (1600s). Kabuki comes from the word ‘Kabuku’, meaning bent or out of the ordinary, and was regarded as a subversive non-art form, passionately expressing ugliness and beauty. Later women were banned from performing Kabuki – the male performers who took over the art form can be seen as the first Japanese Drag Queens. Even though she was one of the most powerful female figures in theatre history, not many people know about Okuni, even in Japan.

Combining Yumi’s practice of Japanese tea ceremony, which flourished at the same period as Okuni was alive, she is choosing the ‘tea bowl’ as a creative metaphor of precious sacred female power which was buried under history.

Creative Team for Creative Development 2021
Created and Performed by Yumi Umiumare

In collaboration with 

Cinematographer/ Editor : Takeshi Kondo
Composer/ Sound Designer : Dan West
Dramaturg : Maude Davey
Provocateur : Moira Finucane
Vocal Artist : Emma Bathgate
Shamisen Artist : Noriko Tadano
Photographer : Vikk Shayen
Producer : Kath Papas productions

This project has been assisted by 
The Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body

City of Darebin, Cultural Infrastructure Grants

Abbotsford Convent Foundation, Pivot 2021

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Directing, Socially engaged, Work, News Yumi Umiumare Directing, Socially engaged, Work, News Yumi Umiumare

Wanna Be a Rabbit? by Weave Movement Theatre is now postponed till 2022

Wanna Be a Rabbit? the show by Weave Movement Theatre directed by Yumi Umiumare is postponed till 2022


A dynamic collaboration between Yumi Umiumare and Weave Movement Theatre. Highly visual physical theatre with a sense of the ridiculous.


Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the show is postponed till 2021.

Wannabe a Rabbit? is the outcome of the unique chemistry between Yumi Umiumare, international 'Butoh Cabaret' artist and Weave, a company of disabled and non-disabled performers.

Through Butoh-esque absurdity, highly visual physical theatre, text and startling installations, the work humorously reverses societal perceptions. It probes the human compulsion to categorise and judge. What are you? A wife, a worker, disabled, a refugee, black/white, an Aussie oi oi, a rabbit?


Director/Choreographer : Yumi Umiumare

David Baker, Willow J Conway, Trevor Dunn, Janice Florence,
Zya Kane, Greg Muir, Emma Norton, Anthony Riddell, Takashi Takiguchi

Producer: Janice Florence (Artistic Director, Weave Movement Theatre)
Sound Designer : Dan West
Installation artist: Pimpisa Tinpalet
Costume designers: Joe Noonan & Brynna Lowen
Lighting designer: Rachel Lee
Videographer : Tan Kang Wei
Photographer: Vikk Shayen
Outside eye: Maude Davey

Photos (below) by Paul Dunn

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Workshops Yumi Umiumare Workshops Yumi Umiumare

Weekend Intensive Workshop 24(Sat) 25(Sun) April 2021 @ Abbotsford Convent

This is a unique weekend workshop for participants to dive into an interdisciplinary collaboration between Butoh, voice, and visual art. We will be led by a trio of oddball experts: Yumi Umiumare (Butoh), Emma Bathgate (voice) and Jacqui Stockdale (visual arts/mask/collage).

Yumi Umiumare and Pauline Sherlock. Collage elements by Jacqui Stockdale, graphic design by Monica Benova, photo by Mathew Lynn.

Yumi Umiumare and Pauline Sherlock. Collage elements by Jacqui Stockdale, graphic design by Monica Benova, photo by Mathew Lynn.

This is a unique weekend workshop for participants to dive into an interdisciplinary collaboration between Butoh, voice, and visual art. We will be led by a trio of oddball experts: Yumi Umiumare (Butoh), Emma Bathgate (voice) and Jacqui Stockdale (visual arts/mask/collage).

Participants will be guided upon a search for something indescribable yet internally provocative; tantalising and thrilling. Together we will facilitate a dive into the unexpected wonders of a world in which anything is possible.

Something odd,

Something not fitting in 

Something not matching 

Something bent and broken

Something abandoned 

yet something perfect for you at this moment”

All levels of experience are welcome to share the space, energy and interaction of our New Ab/Normal.



Workshop Schedule (Subject to change)

Sat 24 April - Day 1

9:00am -9:30am - registration, sign up and introduction lead by Yumi Umiumare

9:30am-11:20am - Physical warm up with Butoh exercises

Short beak

11:30am-1:00pm - Voice warm up and experimentation lead by Emma Bathgate

Lunch Break 1pm- 1:45pm

1:45pm-2:00pm - Set up and introduction for the afternoon session

2:00pm-4:30pm - Visual arts experimentation lead by Jacqui Stockdale

Short break

4:40pm- 5:45 pm - Experimentation lead by Yumi, Emma and Jacqui

5:45pm- 6:00pm - Short debrief and Q and A

Sun 25 April - Day 2

9:00am -9:15am - Registration, sign up

9:15am-11:20am - Physical warm up with Butoh exercises

Short beak

11:30am-1:00pm - Voice warm up and experimentation lead by Emma

Lunch Break 1pm- 1:45pm

1:45pm-2:00pm - Set up and introduction for the afternoon session

2:00pm-4:00pm - Visual arts experimentation lead by Jacqui

Short break

4:10pm- 5:40 pm - Creation guided by Yumi, Emma and Jacqui

5:40pm- 6:00pm - Feedback and debrief

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Directing, Current Work, News, Dance Yumi Umiumare Directing, Current Work, News, Dance Yumi Umiumare

ButohOUT! 2021 New Ab/Normal 2 Feb- 23 May 2021

2 Feb - 23 May 2021
The 5th iteration of ButohOUT!, a collection of events inspired by the dance theatre art-form of Butoh, explores the artistic theme New Ab/Normal during the post-pandemic era with the question: what is normal?


2 Feb - 23 May 2021

The 5th iteration of ButohOUT!, a collection of events inspired by the dance theatre artform of Butoh, explores the artistic theme New Ab/Normal during the post-pandemic era with the question: what is normal? Originally called Dance of Darkness, Butoh has always been associated with the marginalised, embracing the abnormal, odd, quirky & the deviant. One of the first Butoh performances so shocked its Japanese audiences that it was forced to go underground, yet now it is accepted as an innovative art form. Conversely, what we used to think as ‘normal’ is no longer so. Instead, the term, 'new normal' exists, which contains the paradoxical nuance that an abnormality can become ‘normal’. We hang onto a semblance of normalcy like a security blanket - but why?

ButohOUT! 2021 offers 5 public workshops including one for children and seniors, a performance-making laboratory, a forum and 2 performance presentations, one at Dancehouse and Abbotsford Convent.

@ Abbotsford Convent

★2(Tue)-23(Tue) Feb 2021
Weekly workshop
Is Butoh Abnormal?

★19(Fri)-21(Sun) March 2021
Weekend workshop
What is normal in Butoh?

27(Sat) March 2021
Family and Kids workshop
Peek-A- Butoh

★27(Sat) March 2021
Senior workshop
You Don't Think You Can Dance?
| For 50+, 60+, 70+ or beyond

★ 24(Sat) 25 (Sun) April 2021
Weekend workshop with Butoh, Voice and Visual Arts
What is our New Ab/Normal?

25-28 March 2021
Colour-Fool (4 shows only!!)


20-23 May 2021
Odd Hours (4 shows only!!)

@Abbortsford Convent

ButohOUT! Festival is An Artists-led, inclusive festival that breaks expectations and boundaries. It invites diverse arts and non-arts communities to engage with the profound internationally-acclaimed art form of Butoh. ButohOUT! also engages with international Butoh dancers to interact with local Australian practitioners from new initiates to established performers in an open exchange of expertise and performance.

Creative team of ButohOUT! 2021
Director & Choreographer:
Yumi Umiumare
Producer: Takashi Takiguchi
Emma Bathgate(Voice)
Jacqui Stockdale(Visual arts)
Dan West and Ai Yamamoto (Sound)
Rachel Lee(Lighting)
Monika Benova(Graphic Design)

Kiki Ando, Emma Bathgate, David Blom, Jessie Ngaio, Pauline Sherlock, Tomoko Yamasaki, Takashi Takiguchi, Yumi Umiumare and ButohOUT! Ensemble


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News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare

Weekend intensive workshops for professionals, non professionals, kid& family and senior in March/April 2021@ Abbotsford Convent

★19(Fri)-21(Sun) March : Weekend workshop
★27(Sat) March : Family, Kids and Senior workshop
★24(Sat)-25(Sun) April : Weekend workshop with Butoh, Voice and Visual Arts

Collage elements by Jacqui Stockdale, Graphic design by Monica Benova, Photo by Mathew Lynn.

Collage elements by Jacqui Stockdale, Graphic design by Monica Benova, Photo by Mathew Lynn.

ButohOUT! 2021 New Ab/Nomral
Workshop Series are happening in Melbourne at Abbotsford Convent in March and April 2021.

19(Fri)-21(Sun) March 2021
Weekend workshop : What is Normal in Butoh?

27(Sat) March 2021
Family and Kids workshop: Peek-A- Butoh (FREE)

27(Sat) March 2021
Workshop for For 50+, 60+, 70+ or beyond : You Don't Think You Can Dance? (FREE)

24(Sat)-25(Sun) April 2021
Weekend workshop : What is our New Ab/Normal?

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Workshops, japanese news Yumi Umiumare Workshops, japanese news Yumi Umiumare

2020Trance-Formation : Butoh On-Line& Off-Line workshop

Yumi is running Open Butoh Workshop Trans-Formation, On-line on Tuesday night and Off -line on Friday morning outdoor in Melbourne.

Photo by Mathew Lynn

Photo by Mathew Lynn

transforming body and space through on & Off-line of Butoh!

Yumi is running Open Butoh Workshop:Trance-Formation, on-line on Tuesday night and of-line on Friday morning outdoor in Melbourne. Yumi will introduce creative exercises of Butoh and Beyond, for participants to explore their own unique expressions.

Through the various exercises, the workshop will embrace the moment of Trans-Formation and its gate way.

The details are as below.

  1. Resister the form on this page

  2. You will get the Zoom link or location for the workshop.

  3. If it is Zoom session, please find your own space for you to move and roll (wearing comfortable clothes)-check your dog or cat are not over excited around you.

  4. Please enter /arrive at least 5min before the session.

  5. Donate as you go or as a bulk. Suggested price range $5-20

Session times:

Zoom: Tuesday (MELBOURNE TIME GMT+10)

16 June| TUE | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
23 June | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
30 June | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
7 July | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
14 July | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
21 July | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:30pm


CANCELLED due to COVID-19 restrictions.



In order to make classes safe and secure for everyone, a Zoom link will be sent to your email manually instead of direct Zoom email, so PLEASE RESISTER BY 2HOURS BEFORE THE SESSIONS.

PAYMENT BY DONATION via secure paypal

PayPal Link (under Yumi Tsuchiya)

Depending on your financial capacity, please donate what you can afford.

We are encouraging for participants to pay range between $5-20 per session or pay as bulk!
Let Yumi knows if you prefer the direct debt.

You can send me your own suggested price or exchange if you wish!


このページにあるRESISTARATION (登録)をしていただけたら、週ごとにZoomLinkをお送りします。
皆さんの経済状況によって払える分だけお払いください。まとめての支払いもOK. 日本のアカウントがよければおしらせします。

(オーストラリアでは1 回10ドル前後を目安としてますがご自由にお決めください)


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Workshops Yumi Umiumare Workshops Yumi Umiumare

2020 OUT OF THE BOX - Butoh online open sessions

Yumi is running online Butoh Class- OUT OF THE BOX every Tuesday evening and Friday morning.
Join her Zoom sessions and unleash your body and mind into the Butoh world!



Yumi is hosting Open Butoh Classes every Tuesday night and Friday morning while we are not able to run studio workshop! Yumi will introduce creative exercises on your own environment for us to be out of ‘our of the box’, exploring for our physical and mental spaces.

The details are as below.

  1. Resister the form on this page

  2. You will get the Zoom links each week

  3. Find your own space for you to move and roll (wearing comfortable clothes)-check your dog or cat are not over excited around you.

  4. Join the session

  5. Donate as you go or as a bulk , or you can discuss with Yumi some exchange !

Session times:


21 April | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:15pm
24 April | FRI | 10:00am - 11:15 am
28 April | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:15pm
01 May | FRI | 10:00am - 11:15 am
05 May | TUE | 6:00pm -7 :15pm
08 May | FRI | 10:00am - 11:15 am
12 May | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:15pm
15 May | FRI | 10:00am - 11:15 am
19 May | TUE | 6:00pm - 7:15pm
22 May |FRI | 10:00am - 11:15 am


In order to make classes safe and secure for everyone, a Zoom link will be sent to your email instead of having it publicly available.

donations and exchanges

PAYMENT BY DONATION via secure paypal

( Depending on your financial capacity but encouraging to pay around $10 per session or pay as bulk )

You can send me your own suggested price or exchange if you wish!

火曜日:17:00−18:15 金曜日 9:00−10:15

このページにあるRESISTARATION (登録)をしていただけたら、週ごとにZoomLinkをお送りします。

(オーストラリアでは1 回10ドル前後を目安としてますがご自由にお決めください)


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Yumi Umiumare Yumi Umiumare

Butoh Online Open Class -OUT OF THE BOX

Yumi is running online Butoh Class- OUT OF THE BOX - for every Tuesday evening and Friday morning.
Join her Zoom session and make your body and mind to unleash into the Butoh world!

Classes are now here!

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Work, Choreography, Directing, Socially engaged Yumi Umiumare Work, Choreography, Directing, Socially engaged Yumi Umiumare

Wanna Be a Rabbit? with Weave Movement Theatre

Wannabe A Rabbit? invites audiences on an investigation between the surreal ad the absurd; exploring universal human themes like:Will I ever be perfect? Am I invisible? How do I get out of here? My sheets need a wash. It’s dark. Is that a rabbit? The show is going to be premiered 2020.

The Performance season in June 2020 were both Cancelled Due to the COVID-19.

new dates is going to be announced soon.

Will I ever be perfect? Am I invisible? How do I get out of here? My sheets need a wash. It’s dark. Is that a rabbit?

Wannabe a Rabbit? is directed and Choreographed by Yumi Umiumare in collaboration with Weave Movement Theatre. A fusion of Butoh and Physical Theatre, the work moved between the surreal and absurd; humorously reversing the perceptions of difference.

Wannabe A Rabbit? invites audiences on an investigation between the surreal ad the absurd; exploring universal human themes like:

Surfacing in reaction to the atrocities caused post World War II and initially referred to as the ‘Dance of Darkness’, Butoh converges themes of naturism and humanism. ButohOUT! intends to activate the spirit of Butoh through the local and national, contemporary dance community.

“Their strength lies in the performers’ ability to make the banal magical” –  The Age

(review for Weave’s previous work)


Director: Yumi Umiumare
in collaboration with Weave Movement Theatre
Producer: Janice Florence
Sound designer: Dan West
Costume designer: Matilda Woodroofe
Lighting designer: Jennifer Hector
Installation artist: Pimpisa Tinpalit

from ButohOUT!2018 photo by Mifumi Obata

from ButohOUT!2018 photo by Mifumi Obata

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News, archival Yumi Umiumare News, archival Yumi Umiumare

ButohOUT! 2020

Celebrating its third year, ButohOUT! 2020 offers five workshops and two performance seasons exploring the artistic theme of ‘Primal Colour.’ In earlier expressions of Butoh, dancers typically wore white body paint, believed to 'erase' the performers excessive and artificial layers to ‘de-identify’ them.

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News, performance Yumi Umiumare News, performance Yumi Umiumare

Unwoman by The Rabble 15–28 November 2019 @Substation

Yumi is performing in Unwoman by The Rabble
15–28 November 2019 @Substation

UNWOMAN is an epic and imagistic piece of feminist theatre created in both Ireland and Australia, examining reproductive rights, experiences of pregnancy and bodily autonomy.

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UNWOMAN is an epic and imagistic piece of feminist theatre created in both Ireland and Australia, examining reproductive rights, experiences of pregnancy and bodily autonomy.

Made with THE RABBLE, professional performers and a community ensemble of pregnant performers, UNWOMAN is an invocation of the pregnant body as a plurality of experiences. It is visceral, carnal and an uncompromising piece of feminist theatre horrified by the history and laws attempting to curb bodily autonomy and reproductive rights.


FEATURING / Dana Miltins, Mary Helen Sassman and Yumi Umiumare.

PHOTOGRAPHY / Hero image by Patricio Cassinoni. Production photography by David Paterson, featuring Olwen Fouéré in UNWOMAN Part III, Dublin Fringe, November 2018.



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News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare

Butoh Residential Workshop 6(Fri)-9(Mon) Dec 2019

Butoh Residential Workshop by Yumi Umiumare
Bringing ‘Light’ into Body and Spirit
6(Fri)-9(Mon) December 2019
In the north of Daylesford(1.5hours from Melbourne)

Butoh Residential Workshop by Yumi Umiumare
Bringing ‘Light’ into Body and Spirit
6(Fri)-9(Mon) December 2019
In the north of Daylesford(1.5hours from Melbourne)


Our annual Butoh residential workshop is moving to the new stunning bush location of Arisaig! 

A healing and wellness retreat, Arisaig is 100% off-grid and is located in the heart of Dja Dja Wurrung country on 100 acres of breathtakingly beautiful countryside only 20 minutes North of Daylesford and 20 minutes South of Castlemaine.

Over the 4 days, Yumi will introduce various skills and methods of Butoh, channeling our internal and external creative expression. The stillness and peace of the landscape enables us to explore our deeper and authentic "being" and helps to cleanse our busy thoughts. Through sharing food and gentle conversation, Yumi will lead participants to explore their consciousness of well-being, from breathing and silent walk to some vocal expression and laughter.

Butoh舞踏, originally called Ankoku Butoh 暗黒舞踏(Dance of Darkness), was conceived in Japan during the late 50’s and early 60’s during the social turmoil after the war and sought to find an expression through dance. Rather than aspiring to an aesthetic ideal, the dance attempts to expose the joys and sorrows of life, exploring the most fundamental elements of physical and psychological existence. Yumi is renown for combining Butoh (the darkness) with lightness and a sense of humour to embrace a wholistic humanity.

Where: Arisaig in Yandoit (1.5hours from Melbourne)

When: 6(Fri)-9(Mon) December 2019

Cost : $380/350(Vegetarian meals are included)

Accommodation: Participants will be camping amongst the beauty of the bush to allow for a deeper connection to Mother Earth. There are limited cabins available for at a higher rate for those wishing more comfort. Places are limited so book your spot now!" 


 Booking and Enquiry Link

(subject to be changed)

By 5pm Arriving, settle in, setting up tent etc
Session 1 (Gathering) 

Silent Walk and exercise
Session 3
Session 4 (Gathering) 

Silent Walk and exercise
Session 6

Gathering, debrief and packing
10:30am Departure

Photo by Vikk Shayen

Photo by Vikk Shayen

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Current Work Yumi Umiumare Current Work Yumi Umiumare

DasSHOKU TeaParTEA! In Development

DasSHOKU TeaParTEA! will be 5th DasSHOKU Butoh cabaret series since 2012. Smashing together Yumi’s recent practice in Japanese tea ceremony (PopUp Tearoom Series) with her signature, iconic Butoh Cabaret series, DasSHOKU Tea ParTEA! combines elements of Butoh, Cabaret, and spoken word, woven from Japanese tea ceremony into English tea party, from Brazilian samba into Okuni-Kabuki dance during the Edo period in early 1600.

DasSHOKU TeaParTEA! will be Yumi’s new full-length stage work. Smashing together Yumi’s recent practice in Japanese tea ceremony (PopUp Tearoom Series) with her signature, iconic Butoh Cabaret series, DasSHOKU Tea ParTEA! combines elements of Butoh, Cabaret, and spoken word, woven from Japanese tea ceremony into English tea party, from Brazilian samba into Okuni-Kabuki dance during the Edo period in early1600. The work channels the original world of Kabuki, which originally meant ‘bent’ or ‘out of the ordinary’, as well as irregular and asymmetrical aesthetics of classic Japanese tea ceremony.

The first stage of creative development was completed in June 2019, and the second stage development was in Jan/Feb 2020.

The work will take place in a richly visual world created by The Sisters Hayes (set & costume) and Jenny Hector (lighting), with sound design and original score by Dan West. Yumi’s magnetic physical performance is accompanied by an outstanding team of performers- Willow J Conway (Ms Burlesque 2016/17), Gregory Lorenzutti (Brazilian samba & contemporary) and Harrison Hall (cutting edge contemporary dancer). Dramaturgy is by leading theatre maker and performer, Maude Davey.

DasSHOKU Tea ParTEA! will be realised as a 75min tea ceremony/party, including actual Japanese tea ceremony with audience interaction. Short segment of varying rituals with dance, text, and song will unfold through the visually morphing set designs.


Creator/director/performer: Yumi Umiumare
Willow J Conway, Gregory Lorenzutti, Harrison Hall, 
Dramaturg: Maude Davey
Set and Costume Design: The Sisters Hayes
Lighting Design : Jenny Hector
Sound design : Dan West

Producer: Kath Papas Productions

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DaSHOKUTeaParTEA-3 transparent.png

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News, site specific, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare News, site specific, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare

CuriosiTEA @ the OzAsia Festival2019

As a durational contemporary ritual, Yumi serves many bowls of CuriosiTEA to the general public, artists and tourists, to activate and provoke cultural encounters and personal interactions.


CuriosiTEA 26(Sat) Oct 2019

1-4pm @ Lucky Dumpling Market, Riverbank Lawns

As a durational contemporary ritual, Yumi serves many bowls of CuriosiTEA to the general public, artists and tourists, to activate and provoke cultural encounters and personal interactions.

Visitors are invited to absorb the simple rituals of tea ceremony in silence and share conversations and interactions in the open air. The deep sense of presence and silence initially afforded by the space will facilitate time to pause and reflect, counterbalancing noise and distraction to create a unique space through public interaction.

Detail LINK

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Popup Tearoom, Performances Yumi Umiumare Popup Tearoom, Performances Yumi Umiumare

Un-Certain TEA@Studio Luma, Krakow Poland

A special collaboration between a visual artist Dorota Mytych and Yumi Umiumare

Un-Certain TEA@Studio Luma, Krakow Poland

Un-Certain TEA@Studio Luma, Krakow Poland

25 SEP 2019

There is nothing certain but the uncertain”  (proverb)
“Pewne jest tylko to, że ma nic pewnego” (przysłowie)

This was a special collaboration between POLISH VISUAL ARTIST DOROTA MYTCH
& Japanese Australian performance artist YUMI UMIUMARE.

Dorota and Yumi had created a participatory performance Space where Audience were invited to have a bowl of tea.
while being a part of the ritual of tea ceremony, they were also experiencing the ephemeral images through video projection- Uncanny Others .

Uncanny Others consists of two archival images of war and one family photo from Mytych’s childhood. They are accurately drawn using tea leaves and coffee grounds and filmed as still images which later disintegrate.

Video Installation Uncanny Others by Dorota Mytych 
Performance PopUp Tearoom by Yumi Umiumare

PopUp Tearoom Series by Dan West
Requiem for My Friend by Zbigniew Preisner
Góralska pieśń ludowa
Specjalne podziękowania dla 

Photo by
Dominik Papai and Nic Bartlett

OBOK zaprasza na instalację performatywną Yumi Umiumare i Doroty Mytych zatytuowaną.
Un-cetainTEA to współczesny rytuał-performans łączący japońską ceremonię parzenia herbaty z działaniami artystycznymi.

Publiczność zostanie zaproszona do wypicia czarki zielonej herbaty, a podczas rytuału odbędzie się projekcja video efemerycznego obrazu usypanego z liści herbaty.

Będzie to "durational performance” trwający 1 godzinę - można przyjść w dowolnym momencie i zostać krócej lub dłużej. Zapraszamy!

Środa, 25 września 2019, godzina 19:00 

Studio Luma 

Ślusarska 9, 30-702 Kraków

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