News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare

SpontaneiTEA @Hong Kong I-Dance Festival


PopUp Tearoom series was invited as a part of the opening event of i-dance festival, and has popped up in front of Kwai Tsing Theatre in Hong Kong,Yumi was one of invited artists and also joined their international exchange improvisation dance.

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Socially engaged, Work Yumi Umiumare Socially engaged, Work Yumi Umiumare

White Day Dream - in collaboration with Weave Movement Theatre

Presented by Weave Movement Theatre and Yumi Umiumare, White Day Dream is a unique fusion between Butoh and physical theatre performed by dancers with and without disability.


WHITE DAY DREAM with Weave Movement Theatre 27 October 2016 – 6 November 2016preview: Thursday 27 October opening night: Friday 28 October Auslan interpreted performance: Sunday 6 November

Presented by Weave Movement Theatre and Yumi Umiumare, White Day Dreamis a unique fusion between Butoh and physical theatre performed by dancers with and without disability. The work moves between the surreal and absurd exploring universal human themes of memory and dreams, their fragility, transience and power. Like a dream itself, White Day Dream recalls subconscious emotions, where things are at once unexpectedly linked and disconnected.

Direction and Choreography by Yumi Umiumare Composition and Sound Design by Dan West Stage and Costume Design by Jennifer Tran Lighting Design by Richard Vabre Media Art by Bambang N Karim Performed by Emma J Hawkins, Willow J Conway, Tim Crafti, David Baker, Trevor Dunn, Janice Florence, Melanie Keely, Greg Muir, Ryan New, Emma Norton, Leisa Prowd and Anthony Riddell

Weave Artistic Director Janice Florence

Vimeo Link

Photograph gallery

Photo by Paul Dunn

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News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare

Our Place, Our Home, Melbourne Town Hall

Our Place, Our Homeas a part of Melbourne International Festival@ Melbourne Town Hall The PopUp Tearoom space was created in Melbourne Town Hall, in front of the installation by Chikaru Shiota


Our Place, Our Homeas a part of Melbourne International Festival@ Melbourne Town Hall The PopUp Tearoom space was created in Melbourne Town Hall, in front of the installation by Chikaru Shiota

The culminating moments of the 2016 Melbourne Festival was a celebration of diversity—a fitting bookend to our opening ceremony from the land’s First Peoples, with a multicultural exchange through coffee, tea and music. Event Information

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News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare

Butoh and Body Weather residential workshop Butoh & Body Weather 25-29 November 2016

Butoh & Body Weather 25-29 November 2016 Wimmera River Victoria AustraliaResidential workshop exploring the disciplines of Butoh and Body Weather


Butoh & Body Weather 25-29 November 2016 Wimmera River VictoriaResidential workshop exploring the disciplines of Butoh and Body Weather Led by Yumi Umiumare (Melbourne) & Frank van de Ven (Amsterdam)

On the Wimmera River, 15kms west of Horsham, our base will be a 130-acre site near Mt Arapiles with a variety of bush, scrub, sand dunes, open fields, river and elevated rock - allowing participants to experience and open up the senses to colour, texture, sound and shapes. Through the powerful combination of Butoh and Body Weather, Yumi and Frank will guide participants in creating movement and dance in response to landscape.

25(Friday)-29 (Tuesday) November 2016, Arrival 25th late afternoon, Leaving 29th morning

$450/420(Vegetarian meals of 5days included) Early Bird Special by 1 Nov $420/400

Numbers are limited so please book early! Enquiries

Yumi's biog and Past residential workshops

FRANK VAN DE VEN is a dancer and director who spent his formative years in Japan working with Min Tanaka and the Maijuku Performance Company (1983-92). In 1993, he founded with Katerina Bakatsaki Body Weather Amsterdam as a platform for training and performance. He has an ongoing commitment to his Body/Landscape series of workshops conducted worldwide and since 1995 he has led the annual, interdisciplinary Bohemiae Rosa Project with renowned Czech artist Milos Sejn, connecting body and landscape with art, geology and architecture. Body Weather was introduced in Australia by Tess de Quincey in 1989, see body weather website 


Butoh Residential 2012-1   Butoh Residential 2012-2  ButohResidential 2012-2  2012_RWS

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Dance, News Yumi Umiumare Dance, News Yumi Umiumare

WHITE DAY DREAM with Weave Movement Theatre

27 October 2016 – 6 November 2016Presented by Weave Movement Theatre and Yumi Umiumare, White Day Dream is a unique fusion between Butoh and physical theatre performed by dancers with and without disability.


WHITE DAY DREAM with Weave Movement Theatre27 October 2016 – 6 November 2016 preview: Thursday 27 October opening night: Friday 28 October Auslan interpreted performance: Sunday 6 November

Presented by Weave Movement Theatre and Yumi Umiumare, White Day Dream is a unique fusion between Butoh and physical theatre performed by dancers with and without disability. The work moves between the surreal and absurd exploring universal human themes of memory and dreams, their fragility, transience and power. Like a dream itself, White Day Dream recalls subconscious emotions, where things are at once unexpectedly linked and disconnected.

Photo by Paul Dann and Pippa Somaya

Detail and Booking



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Japanese, News, japanese news Yumi Umiumare Japanese, News, japanese news Yumi Umiumare

踊りに行くぜ!!vol 7 福岡公演、参加者&作品募集!!creating new work in Fukuoka, Japan!

踊りに行くぜ!!vol 7 福岡公演、参加者&作品募集!!踊りに行くぜ!!vol 7 福岡公演、参加者&作品募集!!Yumi is commissioned to create a work in Fukuoka, Japan, supported by Japan Contemporary Dance Network (JCDN). The audition is held on Aug 2016, and the work premiered in Feb 2017.


(応募要項より) 奇妙な世界の住人、 元大駱駝艦ダンサー、ゆみ・うみうまれ。 豪州からやってきて、あらゆるジャンルの表現者たちを「ダンス」に料理する。 千載一遇のこのチャンスをお見逃しなく。

『踊りに行くぜ!!』 Bプログラム/リージョナルダンス]は、振付家が福岡に滞在し地元で募った出演者と新作を制作。この作品を「踊2」福岡 公演(イムズホール)で上演します。今回は、メルボルンを拠点に活躍している振付家ゆみ・うみうまれさんに、この福岡での新作制作を依頼しま した。舞踏家でありながらチャーミングなゆみさんの世界観の中で、参加者各々が呼応するものを発見し、それを存分に表現できる機会になれば と願っております。ゆみ・うみうまれさんの振付作品に参加したいと思う方、是非、応募をお待ちしております。


はじめまして、オーストラリア・メルボルン在住のゆみ・うみうまれです。 国籍、性別、あらゆるジャンルを超えて存在する「BODY・からだ」と

「SOUL・たましい」に興味があり、 その表現の可能性を探ることに惹かれ舞台創りをしてきました。 私にとって「DANCE・おどり」とは、舞踏であり、 演劇でもあり、バレエであり、ポエムであったりする。 それでいて、少しトランスしたり、シャーマンっぽくなったり、たましいの奥底からの叫びのようかと思うと、 いきなりシュールなコメディになったりする。 「DANCE・おどり」とは、そんな 有象無象の有機体をたくさん含んでいる 生きモノのような気がします。 今回も、そんなジャンルを超えた世界に果敢に飛び込み、見えないもの、理解を超えたものをおおらかに受け入れられる人、「BODY・からだ」と「SOUL・たましい」に真摯に向きあえる人、また、アートを通して繰り広げられる、 ちょっと妙で不思議ワールド の創作に興味のある人を募集しています! 舞台経験の有無は問いません。もちろん、ダンサー、役者さんも大歓迎!ふるってオーディションにご参加下さい。



Yumi is commissioned to create a work in Fukuoka, Japan, supported by Japan Contemporary Dance Network (JCDN). The audition is going to be in Aug 2016 and the work will be premiered in Feb 2017, in Fukuoka, Japan.


"Odori ni Ikuze!!(We`re gonna go dancing!!)" is an annual events run by JCDN. There are two program; A- Dance Production Support Program and B- Regional Dance Creation Program. These two programs provide for the creation of new dance work through dance residencies in various locations in Japan. Since they started, the performance tour has been conducted in Sapporo, Hachinohe, Sendai, Tokyo, Kyoto, Itami, Tottori, Matsuyama, and Fukuoka.




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Japanese, News, Workshops, japanese news Yumi Umiumare Japanese, News, Workshops, japanese news Yumi Umiumare

誰でもダンス!BUTOH ワークショップ合宿

オーストラリア・メルボルンで活躍するパフォーマンス・アーティスト/舞踏家のゆみ・うみうまれによる2泊3日の「 誰でもダンス!」BUTOH合宿が北海道の苫小牧市で開催されます。緑に囲まれた北海道イコロの森の中で、こころとからだを解放させ、動いて、叫んで、踊ってみませんか?


2016年8月13日(土)~15日(月)@北海道・イコロの森 北海道苫小牧市植苗565-1 We All Can Dance! BUTOH Residential workshop 13(Sat) -15(Mon) Aug 2016 @at Ikoro no Moiri   Tomakomai City, Hokkaido(English translatation at the end of Japanese!)

オーストラリア・メルボルンで活躍するパフォーマンス・アーティスト/舞踏家のゆみ・うみうまれによる2泊3日の「 誰でもダンス!」BUTOH合宿が北海道の苫小牧市で開催されます。




日程/ 8月13日(土) 13時集合・15日(月) 12時解散 参加費/¥39000 (2泊3日 一部食事つき) 問い合わせ/栗本) 合宿最終日には別の場所でパフォーマンスを予定しています。 (参加オプショナル) 8月15日(火)パフォーマンス BUTOH 、ベリーダンス、舞の一夜

こころの叫びに耳をすまし 見えないものに身をまかし わからない言葉でつぶやいてみる そうすると知らないうちに、からだが動き出す おどりってそんなかんじ? ダンスってそんなかんじ? ずしっと響いてくるようで とてつもなく軽いノリだったり なんだか訳ありのようだけど とっても単純だったりして ちょっと妙で ちょっと不思議だけど なんだかやたらと楽しくなってきてしまう 泣いてもいい 笑ってもいい 感情をむき出しにしてもいい こころの叫びに耳をすまし 見えないものに身をまかし わからない言葉でつぶやいてみると 知らないうちに、ほんとうにからだが動き出してきた ほら!みんな動いて、飛んで、回転している。 誰でもダンス! 自分のダンス!

ENGLISH(Basice information) We All Can Dance! BUTOH Residential workshop 13(Sat) -15(Mon) Aug 2016 @at Ikoro no Moiri, Tomakomai City, Hokkaido 564-1, Uenae, Komaki-City, Hokkaido In the middle of beautiful environment of Hokkaido, Yumi Umiumare from Melbourne is leading a residential workshop, to explore, Butoh, Body, Spirit and Beyond! Would you like to join us to expand body awareness, deepen consciousness and unleash internal expression though a response to landscape? Through her wholistic and unique approach to ‘live’ and ‘ dance’, Yumi will guide you to get KANKI(歓喜JOY &喚起Provocartion) through creative exercise and experimentation in this 3days residential workshop. Non dance experience required! Dates and Time: 13(Sat) Aug 1pm ~15(Mon)12pm, followed by the evening performance (optional) Price: 39000 yen (including 2night accommodation with some of the meals) Enquiry:, The performance event will be followed by the workshop (participation is optional)

(写真:Vikk Shayen)

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Japanese, japanese news Yumi Umiumare Japanese, japanese news Yumi Umiumare

ゆみうみうまれin北海道! ワークショップ、身体表現・誰でもダンス!

北海道にゆみ・うみまれが上陸し、誰もが大らかに身体表現ができるワークショップと、そこに参加する生徒たちと共にBUTOH パフォーマンスを行います。パフォーマンス会場は、知る人ぞ知る「坂会館」、そこはマネキン、骨董品、昭和を思わせる数々の逸品が所狭しと並べられている、ビスケット工場と併設されている不思議な博物館。乞うご期待!


北海道にゆみ・うみまれが上陸し、誰もが大らかに身体表現ができるワークショップと、そこに参加する生徒たちと共にBUTOH パフォーマンスを行います。パフォーマンス会場は、知る人ぞ知る「坂会館」、そこはマネキン、骨董品、昭和を思わせる数々の逸品が所狭しと並べられている、ビスケット工場と併設されている不思議な博物館。乞うご期待!


ワークショップ、身体表現・誰でもダンス! 4月9日(土)10:00-17:00 @スタジオジャパン 札幌市中央区南3条西1丁目3-3マルビル3F

BUTOH パフォーマンス: ダンスとふしぎな白昼夢 4月10日(日)会場16:00開演16:30 @レトロスペース坂会館 札幌市西区二十四軒3条7-3-22

目の前のものが踊っているのか 見ている人が踊っているのか 踊っている人が見ているのか これが夢なのか 現実が夢なのか 白昼に見る夢 夢に見る白昼 からだが勝手に動きだす こころが勝手に笑い出す たましいが勝手に踊り出す白昼夢ツアー ちょっと変で、 ちょっとズレてて、 ちょっとはみ出てて、 ちょっと歪んだりしていて、 ちょっと見捨てられたりしているけど、 見るとなんだかワクワクして こころに響き たましいが喜ぶ「不思議な白昼夢のツアー」に参加してみませんか?

ダンス・振付: ゆみうみうまれ ダンサー:博物館の小物、ワークショップの生徒たち、観客 写真:林下郁夫

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News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare

RecyclabiliTEA@ Lospalos, Timor-Leste

Yumi visited Timor-Leste as artist-in-residence with Lospalos-based NGO Many Hands International. She collaborated with local artists and the community in creating a site-specific pop-up Tearoom space.


Yumi visited Timor-Leste as artist-in-residence with Lospalos-based NGO Many Hands International. Yumi seeks to observe and learn about Timorese culture, especially ideas around ritual and magic. In Lospalos, Yumi collaborated with local artists and the community in creating a site-specific pop-up Tearoom space. She has worked with established artist Cesario Lourdes, his students in Many Hands youth arts program and dancers from local performing groups at the Centro Cultura Lautem (Cultural center in Lautem). They have created the unique tearoom installation space from the street rubbish with plastic packets, waste bottles, cans and thrown cigarettes packets.

Members of the community were invited to participate these creative interactions.

Public showing for PopUp Tearoom- RecyclabiliTEA 15(Fri) July from 2pm-5pm at Centro Cultura Lautem, Lospalos 18(Mon) July 3-5pm in the main street in front of the mural done my Many Hands youth arts program

Photo by members from Many Hands International, including Corry and Cesario Lourdes Thanks for the local participation including Sr Jose Monteiro ,District administration

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News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare

SereniTEA@ Manila Bay, Philippines

As a part of artist in residency in 98B in Manila, Yumi has collaborated with local artists to create a pop-up tearoom as a public interaction, in the busy tourist area at the Manila Bay.


As a part of artist in residency in 98B in Manila, Yumi has collaborated with local artists to create a pop-up tearoom as a public intervention, in the busy tourist area at the Manila Bay. Yumi has also create pop-up tearoom spaces in Jeepney, one of the most popular public transport in the Philippines, and also in the campus of the University of the Philippines.

Credit:  98 COLLABoraroty , Joseph Gabriel, Anjo Bolarda Thanks to Marika B. Constantino, Ling Quisumbing Ramilo, and Riza Manalo

Photo by Joseph Gabriel and Anjo Bolarda

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Dance, News, Performances, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare Dance, News, Performances, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare

PopUp Tearoom Series@ FOLA

2 -10 March @ Arts HouseDurational performance ins dreamlike installations with a Japanese tearoom.Through a series of tea ceremonies, Yumi and her collaborating artists invite you to ingest their unique teas of sereniTea, deformiTea, sensualiTea and more!


一服いかがですか ?Would you like a cup of tea? Enter a dreamlike installation space, where traditional, surreal and virtual tearooms pop up unannounced. Through a series of tea ceremonies, Yumi Umiumare and her collaborating artists invite you to ingest their unique teas of sereniTea, deformiTea, sensualiTea and more. Traditionally, tea-ceremony rooms had a small door which visitors bowed to enter, dropping the hierarchies of the world outside. In times of war, Medieval Samurai had to leave their swords outside as the tearoom provided relief from the emotional stress and social disorder of the battlefield.

Curious about what sort of ‘Tea’we can make today, Umiumare invokes the Japanese notion of ‘ma’ or ‘active pause’ to explore deep presence in spaces that can be simultaneously reflective and provocative

Where Warehouse@ArtsHouse ,North Melbourne Town Hall When 2(Wed),3(Thur),4(Fri) 5pm-10pm, 5(Sat)2pm-7pm 9(Wed),10(Thur),11(Fri) 5pm-10pm

It is 5hours durational performance and installation, as a part of FOLA. Audiences are invited to come and go throughout the session.There are various experiences to be had throughout each PopUp Tearoom Series. Each session features daily special performances by guest artists.Keep your eye out for Tearooms, they can PopUp anywhere!

Created by Yumi Umiumare in collaboration with  Adam Wojcinski  and Gregory Lorenzutti

Performance by Yumi Umiumare and Gregory Lorenzutti Music by Dan West Video Projection by Bambang N Karim Special Guest: Shoso Shimbo(Ikebana), Yuka Discobeans Tearoom by Zen's Studio Booking Detail Vimeo Link

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News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare

Butoh Open Class on Wednesday

Butoh Open Class on Wednesday10am-1pm 3 Feb-2 March 2016(3,10,17,24Feb and 2 March) @ Bottoms Up! Studio, 3 Pitt St Brunswick


[vc_row type="in_container" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left"][vc_column column_padding="no-extra-padding" column_padding_position="all" background_color_opacity="1" background_hover_color_opacity="1" width="1/1"][vc_column_text]

Butoh Open Class on Wednesday 10am-1pm 3 Feb-2 March 2016(3,10,17,24Feb and 2 March) @ Bottoms Up! Studio, 3 Pitt St Brunswick $20/class 

 Action and Inaction >Aerobi Butoh- Continuos exercise through various Butoh techniques >MA(間)-Active pause, silence and stillness >Kanki - circulation of energy(換気), joy(歓喜)and evocation(喚起)

You can drop by for the class and no dance background required!


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News, Performances Yumi Umiumare News, Performances Yumi Umiumare

Mapping in Melaka and Melbourne

Performing in Melaka Festival(Malaysia) and Mapping Melbourne 2015, exploring short work, pop-up tearoom series and site specific performances.


[vc_row type="in_container" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left"][vc_column column_padding="no-extra-padding" column_padding_position="all" background_color_opacity="1" background_hover_color_opacity="1" width="1/1"][vc_column_text]Yumi is performing in Melaka Festival  and Mapping Melbourne 2015, exploring short work(White Daydreams白昼夢#2), pop-up tearoom series and Luminous Lunas! Melaka:27(Fri) November2015 White DayDream#2 by Yumi Umiumare and Bambang N Karim

Our memories are like a heritage but our brain could hemorrhage. White Day Dream is a series of experimentations of visual poetries inspired by Yumi’s own experience of her brother who had a cerebral hemorrhage. Our idea of reality blurs fluctuates and we try to substitute it with our own visionary fantasy and imagination. Is it really happening right in front of us or are we daydreaming? What if our piled up memories were suddenly erased.

PopUp Tearoom Series Pop-up Tearoom series is an experimentation of site-specific performances/installation, exploring surreal, mysterious, slightly odd and ‘mismatched’ tea ceremony in the middle of town. The pop up mobile space will be appeared in the different locations in order to create ephemeral and dreamlike spaces. Viewer’s perspectives and their internal feelings are purposely provoked and it activates cultural encounters and personal interactions.

Date: Friday, 27 November 2015 Time: 4:30PM Venue: Site 2

Mapping Melbourne: Luminous Lunas Return!

Wed 2 Dec, Summer Night Market, 8pm-10pm Thu 3 Dec, State Library Victoria Forecourt, 8pm-10pm Fri 4 Dec, Federation Square, 8pm-10pm

Admission: FREE

Photo of Mapping Melbourne by Windu Kuntoro[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type="in_container" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left"][vc_column column_padding="no-extra-padding" column_padding_position="all" background_color_opacity="1" background_hover_color_opacity="1" width="1/1"][cq_vc_gallery images="2530,2531,2532,2537,2539,2540,2533"][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type="in_container" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left"][vc_column column_padding="no-extra-padding" column_padding_position="all" background_color_opacity="1" background_hover_color_opacity="1" width="1/1"][cq_vc_gallery itemwidth="285"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare

HumidiTEA@ Melaka festival, Malaysia

The pop up tearoom space has appeared in front of the historic building of Melaka, St Paul church to create ephemeral and dream like space.


The pop up tearoom space has appeared in front of the historic building of Melaka, St Paul church to create ephemeral and dream like space. As a contemporary ritual, Yumi has served many bowls of tea to the tourist, artists and general public to activate and provoke cultural encounters and personal interactions Melaka Festival PopUp Tearoom Series

Credit: Kavisha Mazzella, Andy Green and other local people and visitors whom Yumi served tea to!

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News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare News, Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare

PopUp tearoom series@Artshouse, Cultural Lab

PopUpTearoom series @ ArtsHouse as a part of CulturalLAB, exploring multidimensional performance spaces, collaborated with a dancer, visual artist, media artist, tea ceremony and Ikebana specialists.

Over the 2weeks of studio residency as a part of Cultural LAB program at ArtsHouse, Yumi explores multidimensional performance spaces, created actual, virtual and surreal ‘tearooms’  through collaboration with dancer, visual artist, media artist, tea ceremony and Ikebana specialists, to deepen her interdisciplinary practice and approach. Yumi Umiumare in collaboration with Adam Wojcinski (performer/tea artist) Anne Norman(musician) Bambang N Karim (media artist) Dan West (sound artist) Gregory Lorenzutti (performer/ photographer) Riza Manalo (visual artist) Shoso Simbo (Ikebana/flower arrangement artist)

This project was supported by Australian Council for the Arts, Dance Board (Fellowship) and CulturalLAB,ArtsHouse.

Photo by Ben Thomas, Yumi Umiumare

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News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare

Butoh residential workshop 17-20 Dec 2015

BUTOH RESIDENTIAL WORKSHOP17(Thur)-20 (Sun) Dec 2015 On the Wimmera River, 15kms west of Horsham Led By Yumi Umiumare and Anthony Pelchen After gaining great inspiration from her recent trips to Europe, Yumi is going to explore diverse aspects of exploring body and landscape.This 130-acre site near Mt Arapiles allows participants to move between bush, sand dunes, open fields, river and elevated rock - opening up the senses to colour, texture, sound and form.


[vc_row type="in_container" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left"][vc_column column_padding="no-extra-padding" column_padding_position="all" background_color_opacity="1" background_hover_color_opacity="1" width="1/1"][vc_column_text]BUTOH RESIDENTIAL WORKSHOPOn the Wimmera River, 15kms west of Horsham Led By Yumi Umiumare and Anthony Pelchen

17(Thur)-20 (Sun) Dec 2015

This popular residential workshop is to expand our body awareness,deepen our consciousness and unleash our internal expressions through a response to landscape.After getting great inspiration from her recent trips to Europe,including the international Butoh exchange festival in the countryside of Germany, Yumi is going to share diverse methods of exploring body and landscape.This 130-acre site near Mt Arapiles allows participants to move between bush, sand dunes , open fields, river and elevated rock - opening up the senses to colour, texture, sound and form. Over the weekend, Yumi will introduce Butoh in both technical and non-technical aspect, tapping into our 'unknown' territories. Anthony will guide a dynamic session of collective charcoal drawing, tapping into this and the general energetic build-up over the weekend.  

$350/320 (Vegetarian meals included) Early Bird Special by 21 Nov $330/300

Numbers are limited so please book early!

(The photographs are from 2012 residential summer workshop)[/vc_column_text][cq_vc_gallery images="2392,2397,2430,2396,2395,2429" retina="on"][vc_column_text]

Workshop Bookings

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News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare

Weekend Intensive Butoh workshop in Italy

Butoh Weekend Intensivo Yumi Umiumare Giappone / Australia (Butoh Intensive workshop in Italy)@Montignano di Senigallia, Ancona, Italy, 30 August 2015

"esplorando gli elementi fondamentali dell'esistenza fisica e psicologica" "exploring the most fundamental elements of physical and psychological existence"


[vc_row type="in_container" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left"][vc_column column_padding="no-extra-padding" column_padding_position="all" background_color_opacity="1" background_hover_color_opacity="1" width="1/1"][vc_column_text]Butoh Weekend Intensivo Yumi Umiumare Giappone / Australia  (Butoh Intensive workshop in Italy)@Montignano di Senigallia, Ancona, Italy, 30 August 2015

"esplorando gli elementi fondamentali dell'esistenza fisica e psicologica" "exploring the most fundamental elements of physical and psychological existence"

GIORNI(Date): 30  Agosto 2015 (30 Aug 2015)
ORARI(Time):inizio alle 9:30 e finirà alle 18:00 (con pausa pranzo)-9.30-18.00
LUOGO(Location):The workshop will be at creative space of  Monica Rafaeli (Sculture) in the splendid landscape on the marvellous hills of the Marche over looking the sea.

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Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare Popup Tearoom Yumi Umiumare

DiversiTEA in Europe


Aug/ Sep 2015 PopUpTearoom in Europe- Germany,Poland, Czech Republic and Italy, 

Over 6weeks in Europe, while Yumi has participating several international workshops and events, Yumi has experimented small tea ceremonies in each location.


An informal show and tell @ Tatwerk, a theatre space in Berlin, presenting a footage of Yumi's journey in Europe and Japan over 2month, combining with rituals of tea ceremony.


After being as a one of choreographers in ‘!’ international Butoh exchange project in Schloss Broellin, she conducted a ritual of serving bowls of tea to the teachers and participants, as deparCHA tea. In the small room of the residency, setting up tea set on the yoga mat. Departure(Depar茶) Tea#1@Schloss Brollin Departure(Depar茶) Tea#2@Schloss Brollin


POLAND-Visiting Krakow to exchange ideas and collaborate with local Polish/Australian visual artist. ITALY-Yumi conducted an intensive Butoh workshop in Ancona, Italy, and searving bowls of tea in the local residency. In the Yoga room at the local residency in Ancona, Italy

Departure(Depar茶) Tea#4@Ancona, Italy


As a participant of ‘Bohemia Rosa' project in Czech republic-workshop focusing body, site and landscape run by Milos Šejn & Frank van de Ven, Yumi has explored to create tea ceremonies/ rituals in the middle of the national park near Chribska, incorporating the elements of nature -water, earth, leaf, moss and other organic materials.

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News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare News, Workshops Yumi Umiumare! 2015 International Butoh exchange project- Germany

Yumi was one of the 8 choreographers working with 75 participants and 6 live musicians coming from 27 different countries.‘!’ is the 5th international exchange dance festival since 1995, directed by Yumiko Yoshioka anddelta RA'i .


3-16 August 2015 at Schloss broellin, GermanyYumi was one of the 8 choreographers working with 75 participants and 6 live musicians coming from 27 different countries.‘!’ is the 5th international exchange dance festival since 1995, directed by Yumiko Yoshioka anddelta RA'i .

The festival is held every four years,and it is specifically designed for professional dancers of all disciplines who wish to work intensively with Butoh dance.

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