Ngapartji Ngapartji at Canberra Theatre 25-28 July 2012


Ngapartji Ngapartji at Canberra Theatre 25-28 July 2012

From the shelter of an isolated and timeless existence in the vast desert centre of our country, to a confrontation with the strange new world of non-indigenous Australia, Trevor Jamieson traces his family’s story through the 20th Century.The phrase 'Ngapartji Ngapartji' has no exact Western translation; it loosely translates as 'I give you something, you give me something' and captures the spirit of this generous virtuosic piece of theatre.

With a gentle touch, Trevor invites us into his family’s epic story, sharing this journey through word, song, movement and film of his family’s almost unbelievable encounters with the non-indigenous world. From his extended family’s strong cultural life, their first white contact, missionaries, the urgency of their confrontation with the Cold War, nuclear tests in the Australian desert and his own walk between two cultures today.

Directed by
 Scott Rankin

T revor Jamieson

 Trevor Jamieson, Yumi Umiumare, Lex Marinos, Milyika Carroll and Renita Stanley


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