Butoh Master in Vienna: Get Ready for this Experience!
Butoh Master in Vienna: Get Ready for this Experience!
Nov 30, 2024. Time: 20:00
Location: Das Lot Space, @das.lot Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien Vienna
Join us for お茶酔い TEA TRANCE, a mesmerizing new experimental solo work by the talented Yumi Umiumare, Japanese Butoh Master one of the pioneers of this dance in Australia, blending the essence of Butoh, Japanese tea ceremony, and visual installation.
Join us for お茶酔い TEA TRANCE, a mesmerizing new experimental solo work by the talented Yumi Umiumare, Japanese Butoh Master one of the pioneers of this dance in Australia, blending the essence of Butoh, Japanese tea ceremony, and visual installation.
In this performance, Yumi takes us on a journey exploring the space between daily routines and rituals, the mundane and the devotional. Experience a captivating transition from the sedate to the dramatic, the real to the surreal, and the playful to the macabre—delving into the themes of life and death while evoking the profound spirit of Butoh.
Date: Nov 30, 2024
Time: 20:00
Location: Das Lot Space, @das.lot Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien
Tickets: 25€ / 15€ (students and seniors)
Get your tickets now! Visit the Das LOT website to secure your spot.
Let the act of tea drinking be your gateway to transcendent realms!
The project is supported by Creative Australia, under the international engagement program 2024.
ProximiTEA @Abbotsford Convent, April 2024
ProximiTEA @Abbotsford Convent, April 2024
Proximi TEA was performed as a part of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Abbotsford Convent in April 2024.
Proximi TEA was performed as a part of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Abbotsford Convent in April 2024.
@Abbotsford Convent, April 2024
A fusion of performance and installation featuring classical and contemporary Japanese tea ceremonies. Audiences are invited to come and go, pause, and reflect both inside and outside of the Oratory.As far back as the 16th century, tearooms were established in war zones, where the tea ceremony served to alleviate emotional stress, restore social harmony, and help individuals find their centres amidst the ephemeral nature of life. Curious about what kind of ‘tea’ we can brew in modern times, Yumi invokes the Japanese notion of ‘ma’ or ‘active pause’ and serves you a bowl of 'proximiTEA' through intimate and playful rituals.The profound sense of presence and silence provided by the tearoom offers participants a moment to pause and reflect amidst the busyness of daily life and its rituals.
Performer : Yumi Umiumare and Taka Takiguchi 滝口貴
SereniTEA@ MONA FOMA Feb 2023
@Mona Foma , Feb 2023
At Fairy Dell, Cataract Gorge, Launceston
SereniTEA was performed as a part of Morning Meditation program in Mona Foma 2023/
SereniTEA was performed as a part of Morning Meditation program in Mona Foma 2023/
@Mona Foma , Feb 2023
At Fairy Dell, Cataract Gorge, Launceston
The PopUp Tearoom Series offers various experiences through the ritual of tea ceremonies, installations and performance. Audience are invited to sit and have a bowl of matcha tea(sereniTEA) and pop-up performances will be happening during the rituals/
The inspiration came from the traditional Japanese tea-ceremony room, which has a small door under which people have to bow to enter and exit. This symbolises the fact that all people are born from, and return to, the same place. The samurai of the medieval period had to leave their sword behind to participate in the ceremony, stripping back the experience to the bare essence of being and soul. As long ago as the 16th century, tearooms were created in war zones, with the tea ceremony functioning to relieve emotional stress and restore social order. The deep sense of presence and silence afforded by the Tearoom offers participants time to pause and reflect amongst our busy life of daily rituals.
PopUp Tearoom Series have been experimented in Australia, Japan, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, Malaysia, Timor-Leste, Philippines and Hong Kong.
CuriosiTEA @ the OzAsia Festival2019
As a durational contemporary ritual, Yumi serves many bowls of CuriosiTEA to the general public, artists and tourists, to activate and provoke cultural encounters and personal interactions.
CuriosiTEA 26(Sat) Oct 2019
1-4pm @ Lucky Dumpling Market, Riverbank Lawns
As a durational contemporary ritual, Yumi serves many bowls of CuriosiTEA to the general public, artists and tourists, to activate and provoke cultural encounters and personal interactions.
Visitors are invited to absorb the simple rituals of tea ceremony in silence and share conversations and interactions in the open air. The deep sense of presence and silence initially afforded by the space will facilitate time to pause and reflect, counterbalancing noise and distraction to create a unique space through public interaction.
Un-Certain TEA@Studio Luma, Krakow Poland
A special collaboration between a visual artist Dorota Mytych and Yumi Umiumare
Un-Certain TEA@Studio Luma, Krakow Poland
Un-Certain TEA@Studio Luma, Krakow Poland
25 SEP 2019
“There is nothing certain but the uncertain” (proverb)
“Pewne jest tylko to, że ma nic pewnego” (przysłowie)
This was a special collaboration between POLISH VISUAL ARTIST DOROTA MYTCH
& Japanese Australian performance artist YUMI UMIUMARE.
Dorota and Yumi had created a participatory performance Space where Audience were invited to have a bowl of tea.
while being a part of the ritual of tea ceremony, they were also experiencing the ephemeral images through video projection- Uncanny Others .
Uncanny Others consists of two archival images of war and one family photo from Mytych’s childhood. They are accurately drawn using tea leaves and coffee grounds and filmed as still images which later disintegrate.
Video Installation Uncanny Others by Dorota Mytych
Performance PopUp Tearoom by Yumi Umiumare
PopUp Tearoom Series by Dan West
Requiem for My Friend by Zbigniew Preisner
Góralska pieśń ludowa
Specjalne podziękowania dla
Photo by
Dominik Papai and Nic Bartlett
OBOK zaprasza na instalację performatywną Yumi Umiumare i Doroty Mytych zatytuowaną.
Un-cetainTEA to współczesny rytuał-performans łączący japońską ceremonię parzenia herbaty z działaniami artystycznymi.
Publiczność zostanie zaproszona do wypicia czarki zielonej herbaty, a podczas rytuału odbędzie się projekcja video efemerycznego obrazu usypanego z liści herbaty.
Będzie to "durational performance” trwający 1 godzinę - można przyjść w dowolnym momencie i zostać krócej lub dłużej. Zapraszamy!
Środa, 25 września 2019, godzina 19:00
Studio Luma
Ślusarska 9, 30-702 Kraków

Super-NaturalTEA @ Warsaw, Poland Sep 2019
Super-NaturaliTEA in Warsaw September 2019
Performance by Yumi Umiumare and, Adam Sōmu Wojciński, Teatr Limen Butoh: Sylwia Hanff, Marzena Brzezinska, Magdalena Jakubów and Anna Sulejewicz (guest) and Akitsu Orii (flute) during the International Day of Peace. It was really super-naturaliTEA! Pictures by Krzysztof Stacha
@, the Służewski Culture Center, Warsaw, Poland September 2019
2-hour durational performance.
Super-NaturaliTEA - PopUp Tearoom Series
Performance by
Yumi Umiumare with the participation
Adam Sōmu Wojciński and Akitsu Orii(Flute)
the Limen Butoh Theater
Sylwia Hanff
Magdalena Jakubów
Marzena Brzezińksa
Anna Sulejewicz (guest).
PopUp Tearoom series offers various experiences through the rituals of tea ceremonies, installation and performances. Audience are invited to sit and have a bowl of green tea and pop-up performances will be happening during the rituals. The multiple performances will unfold over the tea ceremonies for audience to partake a bowl of Super-NaturaliTEA, pause& reflect and to be in the surreal dream-like performances.
Supernatural in dictionary : The caused by forces or the things that cannot be explained by science
The performance took place as part of the International Day of Peace under the auspices of the United Nations. The event is organized by the Heiwa Foundation, the Urasenke Sunshinkai Tea Road Association, the Umemi Foundation in cooperation with the Warsaw Mokotów District Office, the Japanese Embassy, the Służewski Culture Center, and the UN Information Center in Warsaw
Pictures by Krzysztof Stacha
Butoh and Tea in Águeda, Portugal Sep 2019
Yumi is running workshop in Portugal and Poland, presenting her PopUp Tearoom Series in Agueda, Portugal 13 September and Warsaw. Poland 21 September 2019.
Butoh and Tea in Europe- workshop and performances
10-13 Sep 2019 Workshop and performance in Portugal
@Casa de cha parque municipal alta vila, Águeda
Hosted by AgitaLab LINK
Yumi has got an opportunity of the artist in residency at Casa de in the Alta Vila Park, Águeda, is one of the projects of the Association Improvise and Organize annually supported by the Municipality of Agueda.
The Residence was offered artists several creative spaces and presentation opportunities to an audience, in exchange for the participation in events involving the local community, such as workshops and open studio.
UnpredictabiliTEA @Bochum, Germany Sep 2019
PopUp Tearoom Series - UnpredictabiliTEA
Special One night event inside of the airplane installation
1 Sep 2020
Jahrhunderthalle Bochum Germany
PopUp Tearoom Series - unpredictabiliTEA
Special One night event inside of the airplane installation
with performance by local artists- Christian, Lila,Eva, Lukas, Walther and Rosi
1 Sep 2020
at Jahrhunderthall.
Jahrhunderthalle Bochum Germany
An der Jahrhunderthalle 1
D-44793 Bochum
PopUp Tearoom Series @ Abbotsford Convent Open Spaces 2018
PopUp Tearoom Series at Abbotsford Convent' Open Spaces 2018
CuriosiTEA : Nov 17(Sat) 2 – 9pm & 18(Sun) 12 – 6pm @ Oratory, Sacred Heart building
'CuriosiTEA' Pop-up Tearoom at Abbotsford Convent' Open Spaces 2018
Nov 17(Sat) 2 – 9pm & 18(Sun) 12 – 6pm @ Oratory, Sacred Heart building
A fusion of Butoh, dance, performance and installation, with classical and contemporary Japanese tea ceremonies, audiences are invited to come and go, pause and reflect. As long ago as the 16th century, tearooms were created in war zones, with the tea ceremony functioning to relieve emotional stress and restore social order. Curious about what sort of ‘tea’ we can make today, Yumi invokes the Japanese notion of ‘ma’ or ‘active pause’ and serves you a bowl of 'curiosiTEA' with an element of surprise and provocation. Yumi is behind the dyanamic ButohOUT! Festival, held annually at the Convent and regularly performs and producers work onsite.
Dance Massive Site Responsive Showcase, presented by Abbotsford Convent and Ausdance Victoria as part of Dance Massive 2019.
Image: Anne Moffat
World Tea Gathering in Adelaide Nov 2018
The Art Gallery of South Australia will host the 2018 World Tea Gathering this November as part of the OzAsia Festival. Tea artists from Australia, France, Japan, Brazil and Germany will assemble from the 2nd to 9th of November, presenting a week of pop-up events and performances celebrating the art of tea.
The Art Gallery of South Australia will host the 2018 World Tea Gathering this November as part of the OzAsia Festival. Tea artists from Australia, France, Japan, Brazil and Germany will assemble from the 2nd to 9th of November, presenting a week of pop-up events and performances celebrating the art of tea.
17:00 – 21:00
ICHI GO ICHI E・YOLO (one time, one meeting / You Only Live Once)
Journey to the gallery for unique encounters with the World Tea Gathering artists through tea. Tonight marks the informal start of the World Tea Gathering.
Impromptu tea rituals take place throughout the gallery as well as scheduled performances inspired by the spirit of tea.
Yumi Umiumare, Adam Wojciński and Erika Kobayashi will perform a tea ritual with no utensils, no tea. The performance elucidates the essence of tea ritual through the emotion of the human body.
In addition to your bowl of tea, enjoy the hypnotic sounds of the Moonta Street band and take a tour with a Gallery Guide through some of our international displays.
Cost: Free
Where: Whole Gallery -Art Gallery of South Australia
Enquiries: agsa.information@artgallery.sa.gov.au
11:00 – 15:00
A timely discussion on tea as a global culture and global artistic/philosophic tradition that unites all cultures, all people. The symposium follows a dynamic format. Academic presentations are punctuated by tea ritual, performance and tea flowing from pot to audience.
Cost: Free
Where: Radford Auditorium, behind the Art Gallery of South Australia
Enquiries: agsa.information@artgallery.sa.gov.au
11:00 – 15:00
Discover the art of tea at this START event. Be introduced to tea traditions with globe-trotting tea artists and experience the joy of togetherness expressed through ritual, art, music and more.
Cost: Free
Where: Whole Gallery
Enquiries: agsa.information@artgallery.sa.gov.au
World Tea Gathering Information
Workshop on durational performance
11 August, 2018, 9am-4pm @ Hamer Hall Stage Door Suite
A one day Workshop on durational performance presented by Arts Centre Melbourne and Melbourne Fringe .
Through a style of her renowned durational work, PopUp Tearoom Series, Yumi will guide participants to explore the elements of rituals, performance, installation and gateways towards ‘unknown’.
Introducing also basic methods and philosophy of Butoh and tea ceremony, Yumi facilitates the workshop for participants to stimulate and search their own unique rituals and ‘authentic’ movements, working through images, narrative and abstraction. The mundane gestures and daily objects can be transformed into their own imaginary world of performance installation.
No dance, performance and art backgrounds are required.
Photo from Con-TemporariTEA at Testing Ground, Mapping Melbourne 2017
Memory Tearoom@ Boyd Studio1 Residency
Memory Tearoom is a space to reflect and contemplate within an installation reimagining memories of migration. Collaboration between Yumi Umiumare and Brazilian Australian photographer/dancer Gregory Lorenzutti, they will share and collect stories of individual memories using photographs and rituals of tea ceremonies.
Memory Tearoom
“Photography can be simultaneously both a record and mirror or window of self-expression, the camera is generally assumed to be unable to depict that which is not visible to the eyes and yet, the photographer who wields it well can depict what lies unseen in his memory.” Eikoh Hosoe
Memory Tearoom is a space to reflect and contemplate within an installation reimagining memories of migration. Collaboration between Yumi Umiumare and Brazilian Australian photographer/dancer Gregory Lorenzutti, they will share and collect stories of individual memories using photographs and rituals of tea ceremonies.
The artists will invite colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds to join the ritual and share their memories and photographs. The fluidity and limitless capacity in the tea ritual, through the physicality of the body and photographs are the gateway to access and activate the space to share the individual past memories and present experiences of place, city, and home.
The idea is to engage with public audience in a collective space starting from individual memories and stories towards a collective body in connection with the building, the city and its inhabitants. Photographs can capture ‘slices of memory’ and key aspects of our collective memories in our fast changing community. They will collect the transformative moments in each participant’s life including their own migration stories to Australia.
This project is supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants and Creative Spaces programs.
Con-TemporariTEA @ Mapping Melbourne Festival2017
A collaboration between Yumi Umiumare's PopUp Tearoom Series and S-Jon's Tumbleweed project, Con-TemporariTEA is a durational performance ritual, exploring freedom and spontaneity. It was a part of Mapping Melbourne Festival.
1(Fri) Dec 2017, 5pm-9pm at Testing Ground as a part of Mapping Melbourne Festval
A collaboration between Yumi Umiumare's PopUp Tearoom Series and S-Jon's Tumbleweed project, Con-TemporariTEA is a durational performance ritual, exploring freedom and spontaneity. When the wind blows, the things collected transform the landscape with new shape and forms emerging organically like tumbleweed. This is a collective inspiration of movement via the wind, where people from many diverse countries have settled into the one city, bringing their culture and rituals and through interaction create unique markings that redefine a diverse landscape, community and society full of beautiful colour, shape and texture
Created and Performance by Yumi Umiumare and S-Jon
Music by Dan West
Coral object by Naomi Ota
Original PopUp Tearoom Series has assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body
Con-TemporatiTEA is a part of Mapping Melbourne 2017, supported by Multicultural Arts Victoria.