Coffee & SerendipiTea


Photo: Jodie Hutchinson

Coffee & SerendipiTea
At Bankstown Arts Centre

    31 (Sat) Aug @10-4pm : 1 Day Butoh Workshop
3(Tue)- 6(Fri) Sep @12-3pm :
Tea time with Yumi Umiumare
7(Sat) Sep @2-4pm :
Performance and Panel Discussions

Immerse in a world of chance encounters! Featuring artists @instapamit and @yumiumiumare, this exhibition transforms Bankstown Arts Centre into a hybrid coffee shop and teahouse setting, inviting visitors to interact and become part of the artwork.

Coffee & SerendipiTea opens on 27 July to coincide with Bankstown Bites, featuring performance works by Yumi and Pamela at 3pm.

Other events to support this exhibition, including a butoh workshop, clay workshop, performance art sessions, and more will be announced soon.


Butoh Workshop: Connecting Your Body and Soul

